Stanislas and his wife separate and Rose begins to doubt Paul (Advance summary of episode 961 + Video)

Stanislas and his wife separate and Rose begins to doubt Paul (Advance summary of episode 961 + Video)
Stanislas and his wife separate and Rose begins to doubt Paul (Advance summary of episode 961 + Video)

“Here It All Begins” in advance with the detailed and complete summary of episode 961 of Thursday July 4, 2024 – In this new episode of ITC which will be broadcast Thursday on TF1, Rose begins to have doubts about Paul while Maïa opens her eyes to Stanislas.

© Capture Newsactual/ TF1

The previous summary of Here Everything Begins from Wednesday July 3, 2024 from News Actual is also online. Enjoy reading.

ITC Spoilers until July 19, 2024 are also available.

“Here It All Begins” Summary in advance of the episode of July 4, 2024

Lionel discovers the truth

At the Institute, Solal meets Zoé as she heads towards Antoine’s office to submit her application for the entrance exam. He takes the opportunity to tell him that lying to Lionel about obtaining his baccalaureate is not the best solution. He then explains to Zoe that he heard her talking with Gary yesterday. Zoé defends herself by explaining that Lionel will want her to repeat her final year and will prevent her from taking the exam if he knows that she did not pass her baccalaureate. Furthermore, his brother has convinced himself that his desire to become a chef is simply a whim, which is not the case. Solal thinks that Lionel will eventually understand it, but Zoé does not prefer to take the risk.

Lionel, for his part, goes to see Antoine. The latter has heard about the internship from certain interns and asks Lionel to be less demanding. Lionel emphasizes that he had just come to see him to make him a proposal that would suit him. As he has not been very friendly with his sister, he wants to make amends, but for that, he needs his file for the competition. He wants to frame his sister’s transcript. Antoine is doubtful and points out that it’s petty. He quickly understands that he and Lionel are not on the same wavelength and reveals to the young man that his sister did not have her baccalaureate. Lionel is amazed. He then leaves to confront Zoé. As she expected, Lionel demands that she repeat her final year and obtain her baccalaureate. Zoé replies that she does not need it to enter the Institute. Lionel remains convinced that cooking is a fad for her and that she wants to take the competition just to be Gary’s. Zoé stands up to him and points out that it’s not up to him to decide whether she has the right to cook or not. But Lionel is determined to prevent his sister from taking the Institute entrance exam.

The end of a marriage

Maïa drops by the Institute unexpectedly to see her husband. While they are having coffee together, Thibault approaches Stanislas to discuss Laetitia’s absence at the Double A. After Marc Leroy’s son leaves, Maïa asks her husband if he had an affair with Laetitia. Stanislas confesses to his wife that his affair with Kelly’s mother ended when she came out of the coma. He then denies being in love with Laetitia. Maïa doesn’t hold it against him, especially since their relationship was on the rocks before she fell into the coma. Then, she ends up confessing to Stanislas that she has a lover. Their affair began several months before her coma. Maïa then confesses to Stanislas that she is in love with Sébastien. Stanislas is devastated. He suggests that his wife fight to make their relationship work. “Or we can decide to live the stories we really want,” Maia replies before adding that she was happy with him, that he supported her like no one else would have and that she will never forget what he did for her. Stanislas is terribly moved.

Rose starts to have doubts

Early in the morning, Carla shows Rose and Constance the novel that Bérénice discovered in Paul’s library. This is a novel written and autographed by Rose. Carla informs her biological mother that their host owns all of her books, although he claimed not to know that she was a novelist. She then encourages her mother to react.

Rose goes to meet Paul and asks him point blank if their meeting was staged. Paul admits that he has known her work for a long time and has read her books, which have sometimes helped him in his personal life. He then admits to having deliberately provoked their meeting at Double A by offering her a glass of champagne. “I am not unbalanced. I liked you and I just wanted to know where this story was going to take us,” he adds. Paul then apologizes for not telling him the truth.

Rose then goes to see Bérénice and Carla and reports to the two young girls her discussion with Paul. Carla encourages her mother to leave their host’s villa. But Rose doesn’t want to ruin everyone’s vacation on a whim. She prefers to clarify this whole story. That’s why she asks Carla and Bérénice to take their friends to the beach today. Carla doesn’t want to leave her mother alone. Rose wants to be reassuring and affirms that everything will be fine.

Later, Rose confides to Constance that she doesn’t completely trust Paul. Constance has a hard time imagining their host having bad intentions. Rose points out that some men are good at manipulating others and she speaks about it knowingly. Paul reminds her of her ex-husband, Carla’s father. Like Raphael, he is charismatic, brilliant and charming in appearance. Rose wants to get to the bottom of it and find proof that Paul is telling the truth or lying. She persuades Constance to take advantage of Paul’s absence to search the house.

At the beach, Carla stresses over Rose and confides to her friends that Paul wasn’t sincere when he met her. At the same time, Bérénice receives a text from Constance. She wants the code to Paul’s office.

Constance and Rose enter the room and rummage through Paul’s things. Constance discovers a file with Maria Garnier’s name on it. For her part, Rose gets her hands on a black notebook, which turns out to be Paul’s diary. She then notices Paul’s wallet when he surprises them in his office. Cornered, Rose admits that she was looking for answers. She then questions Paul about this Maria Garnier. Paul reveals that she is his wife, who died of cancer two years ago. He then explains to Rose that he has been keeping this black notebook since his wife died. It was his therapist’s idea. Rose, embarrassed, apologizes.

A few moments later, Carla and her friends return from the beach. Rose takes advantage of them all being together to talk to them. She recognizes that since the start of the week, the atmosphere has been tense. Souleymane tells him that they know about this book story. Penelope asks Rose if she really wrote that a swimming pool filled with blood when Paul arrives at the same moment. He insists that it was his neighbor who put the dye the other day. Rose adds that at this stage, we must get out of this climate of suspicion. Then, Paul tells his guests that he has no reason to scare them or try to scare them away. Carla is skeptical. Rose tells her daughter that she trusts Paul when suddenly the scarecrow in the garden catches fire. Paul rushes to turn it off. He is helped by his steward. But a few seconds later, an explosion rang out.

Video Excerpt Here it all begins


Find “Here it all begins” from Monday to Friday at 6:30 p.m. on TF1, just before “Tomorrow belongs to us”, and in replay on TF1+.



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