Samuel is back in Sète and Georges innocent Mélody (Complete summary of episode 1721)

Samuel is back in Sète and Georges innocent Mélody (Complete summary of episode 1721)
Samuel is back in Sète and Georges innocent Mélody (Complete summary of episode 1721)

“Tomorrow Belongs to Us” in advance with the detailed and complete summary of episode 1721 of Friday July 5, 2024 – In this new episode which will be broadcast next Friday at 7:10 p.m. on TF1, Mélody reveals her secret to Georges while Nathan tells Bart some bad news.

© Capture Newsactual/ TF1

The previous summary of Tomorrow Belongs to Us from Thursday July 4, 2024 from News Actual
is also online.

Also find DNA spoilers until July 19, 2024. Good reading.

Tomorrow Belongs to Us: Summary of the episode of July 5, 2024

Le Little Spoon a disparu

Early in the morning, Nathan calls Bart and tells him that the Little Spoon has disappeared. Only the tables and chairs remain. Nathan and Bart go to the police station to file a theft complaint. Lisa takes their statement and does not guarantee that they will find the food truck. Disappointed, Valentine and Nathan go to the hut and tell Charles about their mishap. He tries to lighten the mood and offers them two cocktails.

Agnès Prado confides in William

Manon has lunch with her father. She explains to him how practical it is, that having the apartment next to the police station is very practical. However, his father has not changed his mind. He’s still against the apartment and against her going back to work. Manon doesn’t hide from her father that she feels guilty that they are arguing, he and Aurore, because of her. William reassures his daughter by telling her that she is in no way responsible for their situation. Back at the police station, Manon tells Aurore about her conversation with her father. The young woman then tries to convince her mother to take the first step to reconcile with William. But without success.

At the hospital, Agnès Prado consults William. After everything she’s been through lately, she’s been the victim of a physical backlash. William strongly encourages her to go see a psychologist. Agnès confides to him that she is thinking about it, but she hasn’t managed to take the plunge. She often feels like people judge her and find her unworthy for not welcoming her husband with open arms after his release. William, on the contrary, finds that she was courageous in freeing herself from his grip. Agnès points out that it’s not often that she manages to find someone to confide in and then compliments William for listening. “You should tell my wife.” I’m not sure she would agree with you, especially right now.” Agnès replies that it is normal to have disagreements in a relationship. She is convinced that things will work out.

At the end of the day, someone rings the doorbell of William’s house. It is Samuel. William is surprised to see his friend and asks him what he is doing there.

Georges does everything to exonerate Mélody

In prison, Mélody confides in tears to Georges how ashamed she is of having abandoned Bastien. Cornered, she then reveals to him what happened. She had been in a relationship with John for barely a year when she started experiencing terrible stomach cramps. She was pregnant without knowing it and gave birth to Bastien overnight. At the time, she was 19 and did not know she was in denial of pregnancy. With John, they decided to tell Bastien that his mother had died during childbirth. However, when Bastien turned five, Mélody felt the need to see him and began following him and John discreetly from town to town. John never saw her until she transferred to Bastien’s high school. Mélody then explains that she tried to get in touch with her son, but that John objected. Georges makes her understand that this story does not exonerate her, on the contrary. However, he cannot remain without action and will do everything to prove his innocence.

The next day, Georges tells Martin that Mélody is Bastien’s mother. He adds that he searched through John’s belongings and discovered that the latter had falsified the family record book and his son’s birth certificate by using a false name for the mother. Georges wants the investigation to be reopened in an attempt to free Mélody. Martin emphasizes that Sébastien is picky and that they need solid evidence, not another element incriminating the young woman.

At midday, Damien comes home for lunch and informs Audrey that Mélody revealed to Georges that she was Bastien’s mother. Audrey is relieved. She then confesses to Damien that Mélody wanted to see her son except that John was against it. So she went to see him to make him change his mind. That’s when she was attacked.

Bastien, for his part, has a date with Violette at the Spoon. The young girl notices the presence of bruises on her friend’s arm. Bastien explains to her that a boy from the home provoked him and that he had to defend himself. Violette thinks that her friend should not stay in this place. Bastien points out that he can’t do anything. Violette then tells him that her mother is checking with child welfare to see if he could come to their house. Bastien is touched.

Martin, meanwhile, meets Sébastien. He has doubts about Mélody’s guilt and wants to re-question Igor Belinski. Sébastien reminds his daughter’s partner that he was with his friend at the time of his wife’s murder. Martin then asks Sébastien if Igor was not absent while they were together. Raphaëlle’s father explains that he went to check the electrical panel several times because the fuses were blowing. Then, Sébastien adds that without substantial proof, the investigation will not be reopened.

At the police station, taken into confidence by Martin, Georges relates Sébastien’s words to Roxane. The young woman finds it strange that the ceramist has a circuit breaker problem when he uses electricity constantly for his activity. She suggests to Georges to explore this avenue. After contacting Igor’s electricity supplier, she obtains his consumption records for the last three months. Later, Roxane informs Georges that Igor consumes a large amount of electricity twice a week, systematically at night during off-peak hours. Roxane thinks he turns on his ovens at that moment. However, power cuts occurred during the day. She concludes that it is not a problem of overconsumption, but of a defective device. Georges is convinced that this is necessarily linked to the murder of his wife and they then go to the medical examiner. Jérôme confirms to them that if Clarisse Belinski’s body had been warmed or kept cool immediately after death, his estimate of the time of her death would be distorted. Georges asks him if he has another way to determine the time of Clarisse’s death. Jérôme answers in the affirmative and explains that he can look at the potassium dosage.

The same evening, Martin and Georges inform the prosecutor that they discovered that Igor had bought two cooling blankets before his wife’s death. They suspect Igor of having kept his wife’s body cold to fake the time of death. Sébastien points out that they will need more evidence to accuse Igor. Georges then informs the prosecutor that the forensic doctor confirmed that Igor’s wife did not die at 4 p.m., but in the morning. Martin then tells his partner’s father that Igor killed his wife and her lover, and that his action was perfectly premeditated. Sébastien is in shock.

Find “Tomorrow belongs to us” from Monday to Friday at 7:10 p.m. on TF1, but also in streaming and replay on the TF1+ platform.



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