5 questions left unanswered after episode 5

This Wednesday episode 5 of The Acolyte was released on Disney+. A fifth chapter entitled Night and who finally revealed the identity of the Sith of the series. If you haven’t seen the episode in question yet, we advise you to stop reading the article because we are going to share the identity of the Sith. Are you still there? Then here we go. We were all shocked when we discovered that the antagonist of the series was finally Qimir, the merchant who helped Mae. However, despite this revelation, there are still many questions that remain unanswered. Here are 5 questions that we still ask ourselves after watching this episode 5:

How does Qimir know Sol?

When Move takes off his helmet and reveals his identity, Master Sol recognizes the merchant. However, during their discussion, Qimir reveals that he knows Master Sol well, without giving any explanations. How come Qimir knows the Jedi? It seems that the young Sith has a grudge against the venerable Jedi. Sol also feels something familiar about the Sith. There is therefore a good chance that the two men crossed paths in their past. It is even possible that the Sith was present the night Ocha and Mae lost their home. It is even highly probable that Qimir saved Mae from certain death.

Why doesn’t this Sith Lord have a name?


If he gets called move, this new Sith Lord does not have a name strictly speaking. He definitely doesn’t have a Sith name. Dark Sidious, Dark Vador, Dark Tyranus, all Sith like to take a nickname that smacks. However, Qimir currently has none. For what ? Maybe because this new Sith never had a Master. Sith often take on a stage name once they have completed their training. But maybe Qimir doesn’t have a Master, which would explain why he doesn’t have a nickname.

Is Qimir really a Sith?

Some Force users are not neither Jedi nor Sith. Some individuals are drawn to the dark side of the Force but are not related to the Sith. This is for example the case of Inquisitors. So Qimir may not really be a Sith, but may simply be a dark side Force user. When Sol asks Qimir what he is, he replies “Jedi like you can call me Sith”. Without further detail. This does not confirm that Qimir is actually a Sith. This suggests that Qimir is not descended from the Sith lineage of Dark Bane. After all, characters like Snoke, Kylo Ren or Asajj Ventress They’re not Sith either…

Who is the master of qimir?

Dark Tenebrous

Does Qimir have a Master? This is probably the most important question on this list. Does young Qimir work alone? Does he have to answer to a superior? And if so, who? If Qimir is truly a Sith Lord, he must logically have a Master somewhere. By all logic, his Master would be Darth Tenebrousthe Sith who formed Dark Plagueis et Palpatine. In the timeline Legends, Darth Tenebrous trained another Sith apprentice should Darth Plagueis fail. If The Acolyte follows the canon Legends, It could be that this second apprentice is Qimir.

Will Ocha go to the dark side?

At the end of episode 5 of The AcolyteMae and Ocha swap places. Mae pretends to be her twin sister and decides to continue her journey with Master Sol, without the latter being (visibly) aware of it. What is his goal? What is his plan? Hard to say. In return, it is Qimir who finds Ocha, and heals her wounds. It is also difficult to know whether Qimir is aware that the two sisters have swapped places. Will Ocha be trained by Qimir? Will Mae cross over to the good side of the Force? Hard to say. Answers in the next episodes!



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