Aurélie Vantorre (Large families) announces very good news concerning the future of her son

Yesterday at 22:00 – by
Laetitia Today

This Wednesday, June 26, Aurélie Vantorre (Large families) announced very good news on his Instagram account about the future of his eldest son Mathias.

Far from the TF1 cameras, the Vantorres provide news of their tribe on social networks. Fans of the reality documentary Large families: life in XXL were therefore able to witness the birth of their fifth child, Abigaëlle, on Instagram without discovering this event on their screens. Aurélie and Mathieu Vantorre never miss an opportunity to share the rest of their adventures with their youngest but also Mathias, Amélie, Angéli and Maxence. Lately, the family’s daily life has been punctuated by a move planned for next month to Bordeaux. A change which will take place before the children go back to school, including that of the eldest, Mathias, who was admitted to the Saint-Cyr military high school, several kilometers from the rest of the family. Before leaving the nest, the young man passed a crucial stage which made his mother very proud.

Aurélie Vantorre (Large families) announces very good news about his son Mathias

It was with a smile that Aurélie Vantorre took to her Instagram account with Mathias this Wednesday, June 26. “We have just received the results of the aeronautics initiation certificate and I am very proud, Mathias, I let him announce it”she announced before giving the floor to her eldest son: “I already got it, it’s good. And what’s more, I got it with honors. Results that amazed the mother of five children: “So that’s very good. I’m very, very proud of Mathias and now, it’s time for the revisions for the patent.”

Mathias, the son of Aurélie Vantorre (Large families), will soon leave the family nest

At the start of the next school year, Mathias, the Vantorres’ eldest son, will leave the family nest to join the boarding school at the Saint-Cyr military high school. “We are undeniably proud of him, but my mother’s heart aches at the thought of no longer having him with me every evening”had confided Aurélie Vantorre about the admission of her child to this establishment. “It’s a great opportunity for him […] Mathias sera a boarding school. He will have weekends available. At first, we will try to bring him in [à la maison] as often as possible”had put the mother into perspective.

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