Access audiences 8 p.m.: Jordan Bardella on M6, Jean-Luc Mélenchon on France 2, who mobilized voters the most?

Access audiences 8 p.m.: Jordan Bardella on M6, Jean-Luc Mélenchon on France 2, who mobilized voters the most?
Access audiences 8 p.m.: Jordan Bardella on M6, Jean-Luc Mélenchon on France 2, who mobilized voters the most?

The news

TF1’s “20 Heures” – Julien Arnaud : 4,86 millions (26,5%)
France 2’s “20 Heures” – Karine Baste: 3,84 millions (19,7%)
M6’s “19.45” – Xavier de Moulins : 1,93 million (11,1%)
“The event – ​​Legislative elections 2024” with Jean-Luc Mélenchon: 3,07 millions (16,0%)

The “20 Heures”, presented this Monday June 24 by Julien Arnaud on TF1, is down sharply over a week (- 740,000 viewers; – 1.4 points of PDA).
Under 4 million viewers, Karine Baste brings France 2’s “20 Heures” 0.9 PDA points higher than Anne-Sophie Lapix last week.
Jean-Luc Mélenchon received the attention of more than 3 million viewers on France 2. In M6’s “19.45”, Jordan Bardella was listened to at the same time by less than 2 million viewers (+ 0.3 points over a week). The president of the National Rally therefore had no effect on the news audience. Let us point out that the section of the interview is included in “19.45” and was not precisely cut out by M6.

Also read: “We are not the only news on the channel to sometimes experience difficulties”: Anne-Sophie Lapix reacts to the “slack” of her audiences

The sport

“All sport” (France 3): 692.000 (3,8%)
“At the citizen games” (France 3): 1,01 million (5,2%)

The talks

“Daily” **** (TMC): 2,21 millions (11,3%)
“Daily – Part 2” *** (TMC): 1,40 million (7,3%)
“It’s up to you, the rest” (France 5): 906.000 (4,8%)
“Don’t touch my desk even in the summer”** (C8): 993.000 (5,1%)
“28 minutes” (Arte): 661.000 (3,5%)
“Don’t touch my desk even in summer – part 2”* (C8): 475.000 (2,5%)

The main part of “Quotidien” flies over a week and exceeds 11 PDA points. The P2 is also in excellent momentum.
On C8, Pascale de la Tour du Pin gets closer to the million mark in the main game but drops by 0.4 PDA points in P2.
Anne-Élisabeth Lemoine increased its audience share by 0.3 points compared to the start of the previous week.

The competition

“The apprentice champions” (W9): 348.000 (1,9%)

TV shows

“Household scenes” (M6): 2,50 millions (12,9%)
“Plus belle la vie” (TFX): 442.000 (2,3%)

* 20h20-21h01
** 21:01-21:15
**** 21h07-21h22

Médiamétrie figures



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