“It’s going to be a great experience”, new project for Ludovica Tuzzoli (Large Families)!

“It’s going to be a great experience”, new project for Ludovica Tuzzoli (Large Families)!
“It’s going to be a great experience”, new project for Ludovica Tuzzoli (Large Families)!

This Monday, July 1, 2024, Ludovica Tuzzoli, revealed in the show Familles grandes: la vie en XXL, took to her social networks to announce a new project.

TF1 screenshot

It’s official! The Tuzzoli are back on the show Large families: life in XXLbroadcast on TF1. After several weeks of absence to make way for the daily Secret Storyviewers can now once again follow the adventures of Ludovica, Grégory and their blended tribe.

“It’s something that’s close to my heart”: what is Ludovica Tuzzoli’s new project?

But if they are already present on television, the couple also very regularly shares moments of their daily life on social networks. In particular through their family Instagram account, mainly managed by Ludovica, and which now has more than 17,000 subscribers. This Monday, July 1, 2024, the latter spoke in particular to discuss her day’s program, and the new project that awaits her: “I’m leaving for Valencia today” she first said before specifying: “I’m going to do children’s hair for child protection. It’s something that’s close to my heart so I’m happy.“The mother seems delighted to undertake this step: “It’s going to be a good day (…) I think it’s going to be a great experience.

The Tuzzoli couple’s outburst against the price of gasoline

And this is not the first time that Ludovica Tuzzoli has mentioned this trip to Valencia! Indeed, this Thursday, June 27, 2024, the Tuzzoli couple took to social media to vent their anger about an expense that weighs heavily on their budget: “I spent another 70 euros on petrol, I’m fed up! It costs too much“, Gregory had first launched in an Instagram story, before being followed by Ludovica: “It’s expensive to have a 208!” she had joked. “No, it’s true, gasoline costs too much, it’s excessive, we’re fed up.” Gregory added. Later, Ludovica had thus mentioned her planned trip to Valencia: “We’re just going to move. Because on Monday and Tuesday, we’re going to Valencia.” she explained to her subscribers. “And in 3 days, we’ll put 70 euros of petrol back in!” Gregory then launched. “There you go, we’re ruining ourselves” Ludovica had finally concluded. In any case, it seems that it is for a good cause!



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