Shari Lapeña family meal

Shari Lapeña family meal
Shari Lapeña family meal

For a happy reader

Presentation of the publisher:
We choose our friends but rarely our children…
Money doesn’t buy happiness – and even less so in family. The three children of Fred Merton, a patriarch as toxic as he is manipulative, can attest to this. In particular Dan, his only son, in a bad situation since his father sold the company he hoped to take over. Catherine, the eldest in all respects, was not delighted to learn that her parents were planning to part with the magnificent villa that she had always dreamed of inheriting. And let’s not talk about Jenna, the youngest, a poisonous artist with a dissolute life who lives under the constant threat of having her food cut off…
When the Merton couple are found brutally murdered after a family meal which turned into a settling of scores, all the children are suspected. Especially since they have inherited their father’s gift for secrecy and dissimulation… At the very heart of their couples, while everyone is disoriented by this sudden outbreak of horror, doubt sets in. And when Audrey, the deceased’s sister, confides to the police that her brother had promised to modify his will in her favor, doubt becomes certainty.
One of the children murdered his parents in cold blood. But which one?

My opinion :
Among the authors of psychological suspense, Shari Lapena needs no introduction. For those, like me, who want fun reading, this novel, like her others, is perfect. A dysfunctional family, a particularly horrible drama and the suspicions which fall on each of the protagonists in turn. Because there are no all good or all bad characters among the characters, they all have their dark side and a motive for crime.
This page-turner kept me in suspense, however I would put a downside regarding the very end, which I found disappointing.



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