Here’s everything you need to know about the new music show Feu de camp

Authenticity is at the heart of each of Andréanne A. Malette’s creations, and this is the case with the musical show Feu de camp. Artists, songs and great discussions around the fire: all that’s missing is some marshmallows to roast to have a good time in the company of the musician and her guests!

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Andréanne, how was the show born?

In 2016, I launched the Feu de camp tour. The concept consisted of meeting the public throughout Quebec to offer them outdoor acoustic shows in campsites, parks or private places, around a campfire. The enthusiasm was such that I did another tour the following year and in addition I produced around twenty artists. This wonderful experience lasted five years.

How did the tour turn into a TV show?

In 2020, amid all the misfortune surrounding the covid-19 crisis, there were also great opportunities, including access to grants to adapt your business to the pandemic. I seized the opportunity by offering to record four self-produced Camp Fire specials. I was a show producer; I became a TV producer.

How did you choose your guests for these four special shows?

I went looking for talented artists that I already knew and who were kind enough to agree to participate in a show that didn’t yet exist. As it was my first experience in TV production, I followed my instinct. It gives something very friendly, closer to the freedom offered by a podcast than to the rigid framework of a show.

Who are your guests?

I wanted artists that we immediately imagine singing around a campfire, like Erik and Sonny Caouette, from 2Frères, Mara Tremblay and Michel Rivard, as well as singers that we hear less often in guitar-voice mode. . I’m thinking of Brigitte Boisjoli, Marie-Mai, Corneille and Claude Cobra, from Bleu Jeans Bleu. Listening to their songs without artifice, in all simplicity, makes us rediscover the richness of the lyrics. It highlights their voice and their talent as singer-songwriters.

The artists seemed to enjoy their experience!

I don’t know if it’s the singing under the stars or the intimate atmosphere created by the campfire, but everyone was super relaxed on set. We took a sip of beer, we chatted between songs. At one point, for example, Brigitte Boisjoli’s daughter came to join her and had a marshmallow roasted over the embers. It was pleasant, spontaneous and authentic.




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