Spain sends 300 police officers to Paris to supervise the event

Spain will deploy 313 police officers and gendarmes to Paris to help secure the Olympic Games, which will be held from July 26 to August 11, the Spanish Interior Ministry announced on Thursday, June 27.

New reinforcement for the Games. Just like Poland, Spain will send several hundred police officers and gendarmes to help secure the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. No fewer than 313 law enforcement officers will be deployed to the Olympic zones, the ministry announced. of the Spanish Interior this Thursday.

This reinforcement responds to a request from the French authorities, who plan to mobilize an impressive security system for this major sporting event. In total, 45,000 police and gendarmes, as well as 18,000 soldiers, will be deployed on the ground. They will be joined by around 20,000 private security agents.

Experts in urban security, mine clearance and canine units

The Spanish contingent will include 171 national police officers and 142 civil guards (gendarmes). Among them are experts in urban security, mine clearance and canine units. They will be deployed to different Olympic sites and will participate in surveillance, patrol and access control operations.

“This deployment demonstrates the excellent cooperation between France and Spain in terms of security,” said Spanish Interior Minister Fernando Grande-Marlaska. “Our agents will bring their expertise and know-how to contribute to the success of the Paris Olympic Games,” he added.

Presence until the Paralympic Games

Spanish police and civil guards will remain in Paris until the end of the Paralympic Games, which will take place from August 28 to September 8. Securing the Olympic Games is a major challenge for law enforcement.

The French authorities have put in place an unprecedented security system to prevent any risk of attack or incident. The deployment of foreign police and gendarmes, such as the Spaniards, the Poles or Germany, is an important element of this system.



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