Un Si Grand Soleil: “I know that you will never be able to forgive me”… Christophe’s last words to Cécile – News Series on TV

Un Si Grand Soleil: “I know that you will never be able to forgive me”… Christophe’s last words to Cécile – News Series on TV
Un Si Grand Soleil: “I know that you will never be able to forgive me”… Christophe’s last words to Cécile – News Series on TV

To escape the police, Christophe killed himself in Un si grand soleil. But before dying, Montpellier’s most feared serial killer left a letter for Cécile. Discover the Florist’s last words.

Warning, this article contains spoilers for the next episodes of Un si grand soleil. If you don’t want to know anything, don’t read what follows.

After months of tracking, the Montpellier police have finally uncovered the true identity of the Florist in Un si grand soleil. A revelation with terrible consequences for Cécile (Marie-Gaëlle Cals) and Achille (Matthieu Rodriguez).

Indeed, Christophe (Hubert Benhamdine) made the decision to end his life in order to escape justice. An act that promises to shatter the hitherto peaceful life of this entire family.

But before killing himself, Montpellier’s most feared serial killer took care to write a farewell letter to his wife. In these few chilling lines, Christophe returns to the motivations which pushed him to commit these heinous crimes. Truths that risk shaking Cécile forever.

“It was my mission”: the content of Christophe’s letter revealed

In a previously unpublished extract available on the france.tv platform, Cécile is in her car and reads the letter that Christophe wrote before dying. Interspersed with numerous flashbacks to their love story, Christophe’s last words to his wife resonate in the cabin.

Cécile, I made the decision to end it because I know that you will never be able to forgive me.”he wrote before adding, “Your conception of justice is opposed to this and I deplore it. And I suffer from it, too much, because my mission also consisted of rendering justice where yours was powerless. I wish I could lie to you again to ease your pain, to tell you that I regret having taken your life but I owe you the truth, finally“.

He then explains that by ridding the face of the earth of unpunished criminals, he has provided a service but above all that he has saved innocent victims. This is why he absolutely does not regret his actions.

He then continues, “It was my mission and I did it the best I could. And to carry it out, I had to lie to you and Achilles. But know that the only thing I’ve never lied about is my love for you. You have been the untouched and pure part of my life. The one I clung to when everything got too dark. My only regret is making you suffer. I love you so much“.

If this letter will leave a painful legacy for Cécile and Achille, it also marks the end of the story of Christophe and his alter ego The Florist. How will Cécile and Achille recover from this ordeal? Answer soon in Un si grand soleil.



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