Marie-Alix Jeanson (Large families) without housing upon her return to mainland France, she leans towards an expensive solution

Marie-Alix Jeanson (Large families) without housing upon her return to mainland France, she leans towards an expensive solution
Marie-Alix Jeanson (Large families) without housing upon her return to mainland France, she leans towards an expensive solution

Thursday June 13, making a new point concerning her move, Marie-Alix Jeanson, revealed in the show Large families: life in XXLannounced that he would have to incur an unforeseen expense upon his return to mainland France.

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This move is certainly the most perilous that Marie-Alix Jeanson has experienced. In a few weeks, the mother will definitely leave Reunion Island with her tribe. However, this new departure turns out to be significantly more trying than the previous ones. And for good reason, the former participants of the docu-reality Large families: life in XXL are facing an unprecedented situation: they still do not have a fixed address for their return to mainland France. “During this somewhat unusual summer, we will potentially find ourselves without an address for two months. […] We [vivra] two months without accommodation. Several times, we experienced summers like that, before and after departures outside the mainland, where we had no address and no more business. It’s a bit tricky“, explained Marie-Alix, on June 11. This unfortunate situation forces the mother to incur expenses that were not planned in her budget!

Marie-Alix Jeanson (Large families), without housing on his return to mainland France, leans towards an expensive solution

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Contrary to what some people think, moving is not just about packing things into boxes. By following Marie-Alix’s adventures, Internet users have discovered that such a change of life is accompanied by many hazards. And this June 13, Alexandre’s wife mentioned a new one. “I have to take care of the mail forwarding. Given that we do not yet have an address in the Paris region, I have no other choice than to make a first transfer to our house in Charente, during the summer. Then, when we have an address, I will transfer mail again to our address in the Paris region… When we have one!“, she confided. Before recognizing: “It’s a bit of a shame to pay that twice, but we have no choice.

Marie-Alix (Large families) overwhelmed by the endless administrative procedures for her move

Even though Marie-Alix has around ten moves under her belt, the mother does not seem to see the end of the current one. Thursday June 13, it was with a little face that the mother of five children confided in her subscribers. “I barely slept all night. […] Yesterday, I spent 3.5 hours doing nothing but paperwork on the computer… I couldn’t see the end of it“, she admitted. Before ironically: “I had a wonderful day!

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Article written with the collaboration of 6Medias.

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