A new book for Marnes author and journalist Kévin Monfils

A new book for Marnes author and journalist Kévin Monfils
A new book for Marnes author and journalist Kévin Monfils

When he is not a journalist The union, at the Châlons-en-Champagne editorial office, Kévin Monfils is an author. This history and fantasy enthusiast has published three novels (2015, 2017 and 2021) and participated in the writing of short stories with the Châlonnais collective Bien livres in Châlons. This time, he breaks his habits by publishing a historic album. The French Revolution, splendors, dramas and freedom is published by Le Héron d’Argent. It was illustrated by Mathilde de Montségur who “ did a superb job “, according to the author.

I give free rein to my passion for history. This is my first book that deals with this area in album form. », explains Kévin Monfils. The publication of this work is the culmination of nearly two years of work since the manuscript begun in 2018 was submitted in 2020. “ I tried to tell things in a concise but not simplistic way. I didn’t want to do an academic book », Adds the author who has created chapters on the major periods of the Revolution.

The French Revolution, splendors, dramas and freedom by Kévin Monfils and Mathilde de Montségur, published by Le Héron d’Argent. €29.90. To be released June 27.



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