Revelation of the winners of the 2024 UNICEF Prize for Children’s Literature

Revelation of the winners of the 2024 UNICEF Prize for Children’s Literature
Revelation of the winners of the 2024 UNICEF Prize for Children’s Literature

Since 2016, UNICEF France has been raising awareness of children’s rights through reading through its UNICEF Prize, which allows complex subjects to be addressed through the prism of stories.

This year, young readers discovered books on the theme of poverty, an essential subject because it is still too often experienced closely by children: a few days before the start of the 2023 school year, at least 1,990 children in France were without a solution. accommodation following their family’s request to 115.

At school, at home, in the library or in their leisure centers, many children have discovered books to better understand social inequalities.

Supervised by adults committed to children’s rights, they were able to deepen their knowledge on this important subject. Young readers then had the opportunity to vote for their favorite book, either by paper ballot or online, thus allowing active and democratic participation.

The awards ceremony in the presence of the authors and illustrators will take place on Friday June 21, 2024 during the UNICEF France General Assembly in Lille. Of the sixteen books in the 2024 selection, here are the four works which obtained the most votes from the 22,201 voting children:

Dina’s little heart by Béatrice Renard and Emmanuelle Eeckhout (School of leisure) for the 3-5 year old category

This morning, in the tent, Dina’s little heart is worried. It’s his first day of school in another country. There is a lot of noise in class and Dina doesn’t understand what the teacher is saying because she is hungry. On the way back, she gets lost. Dina’s heart is in pieces.

One child said: “I preferred this book because Dina didn’t want to get lost. She didn’t have anything to eat. Then a boy came. His heart was happy. »

The coat by Séverine Vidal and Louis Thomas (Gallimard Jeunesse) for the 6-8 year old category

Lison only dreams of one thing: her older sister’s red coat once it is too small for her. When that day finally arrives, Lison is proud of her grown-up coat! The next day, while leaving for school in the snow, Lison catches the eye of a girl his age, thin and begging with her mother, sitting on a box… How will Lison react?

One child said: “I chose this book because it explains how we can help poor people. »

Louis’ trumpet by Magali Chiappone-Lucchesi and Youlie (Glénat Jeunesse) for the 9-12 year old category

Little Louis grew up in New Orleans at the beginning of the last century, and music was everywhere! As a child, Louis Armstrong worked in a variety of jobs (coal carrier, newspaper delivery boy, grave sweeper). But what he wants above all is to play his favorite instrument, the cornet.

A child said about it : “I like this style of story because it had confidence and it will help me to have confidence in myself. »

Ghost by Jason Reynolds (Milan – translator: Aude Sécheret, illustrator: Steve Scott) for the 13-15 year old category

Ghost knows how to run. Always. But for an athletic team, no way. However, one evening, on his way home from school, for fun he challenges a young sprinter who is training with his team. The coach is there and immediately understands that he has a gift. But Ghost is a poor kid who is full of anger. Will he be able to channel his strengths to join the team?

One child said:“I liked this book because it shows that you can escape from great poverty, there are also a lot of actions and reversals of situations. »

Find the list of French and French-speaking literary prizes



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