Broadcast of The Bachelor Africa: the Beninese divided

Broadcast of The Bachelor Africa: the Beninese divided
Broadcast of The Bachelor Africa: the Beninese divided

The Bachelor Afrique

For or against? Beninese people divided over the idea of ​​broadcasting The Bachelor Africa in their country. Produced by the private French national general pay television channel, Canal+, the reality TV involves a single man and around twenty candidates of different nationalities. The young women must convince, through games of seduction, the Bachelor to become his wife.

If The Bachelor Africa is considered a simple entertainment program, the Burkinabe authorities find its content depraving. Information relayed by several local media in Burkina Faso, Wednesday October 2, 2024, the Superior Council of Communication banned the broadcast of season 3 of the Canal+ Pop show. The authorities consider it “stigmatizing for African women, unprotective of youth and contrary to the values ​​and morals of the country”.

This decision arouses the reaction of Beninese people on the web. Since then, many Internet users have taken a position on whether or not reality television should be broadcast in Benin. In reaction to a survey carried out by Banouto on his Facebook page, Hugues is “strongly against broadcasting this show”. For him, this program does not “participate in the education of the population”. Internet user Didier Somadje Vigbe thinks that The Bachelor Africa promotes “the objectification of women”. “I am against it. It dishonors women and fights culture,” criticizes Fidèle Fraval Caoquet.

Should we ban the broadcast of The Bachelor? The answer is also yes for Michel Hessou. He believes that in addition to this program, the Beninese authorities should be interested in the program “Le Vrai Match”, from the Ivorian television channel Life TV. “It is in these types of entertainment that we copy habits (good or bad) without knowing it,” explains Michel Hessou.

If some Internet users are for banning the broadcast of The Bachelor in Benin, others are against it. Among them, Maurelle Gangbigba invites everyone to choose the television program that suits them. “Simple if someone is against it, they watch another show. There are 400 channels on Canal+,” says internet user Cornélia Glele.



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