VIDEO. Top Chef, Golden Bachelor… Stéphane Rotenberg’s love interview

VIDEO. Top Chef, Golden Bachelor… Stéphane Rotenberg’s love interview
VIDEO. Top Chef, Golden Bachelor… Stéphane Rotenberg’s love interview

On the occasion of the release of Golden Bachelor this Wednesday, September 18, on M6, Stéphane Rotenberg answers our questions about love. “Passion and emotion are often the common thread of my shows,” emphasizes the journalist and presenter.

After being postponed for the first time, the broadcast of M6’s new Golden Bachelor is finally seeing the light of day. The first episode is scheduled for Wednesday, September 18.

We will discover Landry, a single man in his sixties ready to find love again, as well as contenders for his heart. And their age will not prevent them from entering into seduction, on the contrary. “They are direct, they go there, flirt and get excited like kids. But behind it, they have a lot of experience.”announces Stéphane Rotenberg.

Read also: “Love is in the meadow”. 5 things to know about the behind the scenes of speed dating

“On M6, we like to talk about love: Love is in the meadow, Married at first sight… With this program, we want to show that even after 60, love is still possible”explained the show’s director Sébastien Zibi.



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