the N-VA, Vooruit and the CD&V have a coalition agreement

the N-VA, Vooruit and the CD&V have a coalition agreement
the N-VA, Vooruit and the CD&V have a coalition agreement

The three parties reached an agreement to form a government, based on a document entitled “Working together for a warm and prosperous Flanders”. Matthias Diependaele (N-VA) will become the new minister-president.

The N-VA, Vooruit and the CD&V reached a coalition agreement very late at night for a government in Flanders, trainer Matthias Diependaele (N-VA) announced on Saturday morning.

“Making Flanders an even better place to live, live and work”

The negotiators met at 1:00 p.m. on Friday and finally agreed at 5:00 a.m. on the last points of friction, such as the ban on the wearing of headscarves for teachers and the reintroduction of compulsory voting for municipal elections. . “We looked for a creative way to bring the different parties together and I think we succeeded well“, declared Mr. Diependaele. The distribution of the different portfolios is planned for the end of the weekend.

The abolition of the provinces does not ultimately appear in the agreement. A reduction in the number of Flemish parliamentarians was also not accepted in the document. Regarding the improvement of administrative organization, it seems that the three parties continue to work on internal state reform and “continue to strive to improve the administrative organization of Flanders.” “Among the structures which do not have sufficient added value to continue to exist autonomously, we will examine what can be transferred to cities and towns or to Flanders».



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