Here’s why we should urgently stop drinking water from plastic bottles

Here’s why we should urgently stop drinking water from plastic bottles
Here’s why we should urgently stop drinking water from plastic bottles

Advertisements are increasing to encourage consumers to buy bottled water and the recent tap water contamination scandals have done the rest. In the world, no less than 480 billion liters are drunk each year, for a total turnover of 360 billion dollars in 2024. But researchers explain that it is absolutely necessary to return to this habit and favor tap water. We explain why.

Do without bottled water

In the magazine BMJ Global Healththese are the researchers of Weill Cornell Medecinea famous institute located in Qatar which focused on a vital subject: consumption and access to drinking water. They first recalled the harsh reality of inequalities in the world. “Nearly 2 billion people people around the world with limited or no access to clean water rely on bottled water. For these people, the question does not arise.”

“But for the rest of us, it’s largely a matter of convenience and an unwavering belief, aided and abetted by industrial marketing, that bottled water is safer and often healthier than tap water. But this is not the case.”explain the researchers who therefore invite, when possible, to do without bottled water. And their arguments, relating to both human health and environmental protection, are more than convincing.

The quality of bottled water called into question

Contrary to popular belief, bottled water is not necessarily less polluted than tap water. An international network of non-governmental organizations released a report in 2023 stating that 63% of water samples in bottles from eleven European countries presented traces of eternal pollutants. A figure which still reaches 94% in tap water.

Furthermore, if we are to believe the researchers of the Weill Cornell Medecinebetween 10 and 78% of water in bottle contain contaminants. Their research established the presence of phthalates, bisphenol A and microplastics in mineral waters. Chemicals that can cause cancer. These pollutants all come from the plastic with which bottles are produced and spread into the water when exposure to heat is too strong or too long.

The damage of bottled water to the environment

Every minute around the world, consumers buy a million bottles of water plastic. Impressive figures which therefore represent a real disaster for the environment. By taking into account the entire production chain, from the extraction of materials raw materials for manufacturing, plastic bottles contribute 0.5% to broadcasts of greenhouse gases. In addition, the waste this generates accounts for 12% of all plastic waste.

“Dependence on bottled water leads to health, financial and environmental costs important, thus requiring an urgent reassessment of its widespread use. Governments must urgently address these issues through education campaigns.” explain the researchers from Weill Cornell Medicine in comments reported by Futura-Sciences.



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