A developer achieved an impressive feat with Windows 11. Using a modified version, he ran the operating system with an amount of memory so low that it seems unrealistic.
THE limits of technology continues to be rejected by enthusiasts who like to test the impossible. Among them, some are dedicated to modify systems existing to explore how far they can go. These challenges, often done for fun, always attract attention when they reach impressive records. This quest shows to what extent the modern software can be optimized when in the right hands.
A developer known under the pseudonym NTDev achieved a real prowess : run Windows 11 on only 184 Mo of RAMwhich is the equivalent of the memory of a simple PC from the early 2000sinstead of 4 GB recommended by Microsoft. This incredible result was made possible thanks to Tiny11, an ultra-light version of the operating system, specially modified to work with minimal resources. This version was developed with the aim of proving that even the most limited devices could operate modern systems in extreme conditions.
Tiny11 allows Windows 11 to run with only 184 MB of RAM
Tiny11 is an optimized version of Windows 11, designed by NTDev. She reduced drastically resource needs of the system, particularly in removing THE pre-installed apps like camera or OneDrive, as well as others components judged useless. This reduces the system installation size by more than 20 GB to just 8 GB. By also lowering memory consumption, it makes it possible to run the OS on configurations that once seemed unrealistic. With goals like conserving disk space and improving performance on older hardware, this modified version becomes a tool valuable for tests and the experiences.
Of course, this feat has its limits. With only 184 MB of RAM, the smallest application pushes the system to the limitas shown in a screenshot where Notepad consumes presque all available memory. To achieve this result, NTDev relies on advanced techniques, while performing careful optimization to get the system up and running. This type of modification, although impressive, is not not viable on a daily basisbut it shows to what extent a system can be adapted to extreme constraints.