Showers are forecast today, and may disrupt outdoor outings in Nice. Temperatures will range between 10°C and 12°C. In the morning, values of around 11°C are expected. A southeast wind will slightly cool the atmosphere. Temperatures will be between 10 and 12°C in the afternoon. Light showers are expected in the evening. It will be around 10°C. Rainy skies are expected overnight between Monday and Tuesday.
Tomorrow, Nice will have to wait again before the clouds dissipate. The weather will be marked by scattered rain. Temperatures will drop a few degrees. It will be 9°C on average. A modest northwest wind will be felt by residents. The morning will remain overcast due to lingering clouds in the sky. The values will be around 10°C. Tomorrow afternoon, more clouds in the sky preventing the sun from appearing. Temperatures will be 10°C at the lowest and 11°C at the highest. The sky will clear somewhat in the evening with sunny spells. The values will be between 7 and 9°C.
Changes are expected in the coming days. On Wednesday, the weather will be sunny while a deterioration is expected on Thursday.