“The mountain is a matter of patience”, recalls Tavan guide Nicolas Zambetti

“The mountain is a matter of patience”, recalls Tavan guide Nicolas Zambetti
“The mountain is a matter of patience”, recalls Tavan guide Nicolas Zambetti

The Christmas period turned out to be tragic this year for many hiking and backcountry skiing enthusiasts. In , Savoie and Haute-Savoie recorded a black series, with several accidents in the space of a few days. In Switzerland, two high-level athletes (Zurich snowboarder Sophie Hediger and Neuchâtel orienteer Pascal Buchs) died a few days apart, swept away by an avalanche in Arosa and Arolla respectively.
Although fatal accidents following avalanches fortunately remain very rare compared to the number of off-piste hikers – in Switzerland, there have been around twenty deaths per year on average over the last two decades, according to statistics from the Federal Institute of research on snow, avalanches and natural hazards (SLF) – they nevertheless remind us that caution, humility and respect remain the best allies in the face of Mother Nature and her unpredictable nature.
Because off-piste, with the feeling of freedom it provides, is inevitably very popular. “Skiing off-piste, in fantastic landscapes, looking for lines, corridors to cross: it’s a real pleasure. An adventure too,” says Nicolas Zambetti, mountain guide for 22 years.
Inform yourself, analyze and equip yourself
An adventure which, however, requires caution and anticipation if we want to avoid it turning into tragedy. So, the first reflex to adopt is to find out about the weather and the conditions on the ground. “The SLF website provides valuable information on avalanche risks but also on the snow situation and weather conditions,” explains Martin Grünig, who himself provides data to the SLF in Davos for the Chasseral region.
The wind is also an important parameter. “It is he who prepares future avalanches. A snowflake is like a star. Its branches allow it to cling to other flakes. Under the effect of the wind, it will lose an arm, a leg or several. And the less grip it will have, the more it will be able to roll, form balls and therefore slide”, image Martin Grünig.



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