The story emerged on TikTok and quickly sparked heated debate online. A couple, about to go on vacation to Thailand, decided to continue their trip despite their one-year-old baby's high fever. With the temperature reaching 40°C, the child's condition would normally have required urgent medical consultation. However, the parents chose to take their 8-hour flight rather than lose $3,000.
In her video shared on TikTok, the mother says that a few hours before a flight to Thailand, her baby developed a high fever. She admits she considered canceling the trip, but the prospect of wasting $3,000 ultimately convinced the mother and father to go ahead with their plans. “Our tickets would have been lost, and the vacation that cost us $3,000 would have been ruined”, she explains in her publication on the social network.
According to Alina, the baby's fever subsided just before boarding, giving them hope that he would sleep during the flight. Unfortunately, the child was inconsolable once on the plane, which attracted the attention of other passengers.
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Virulent criticism from Internet users
Reactions to this story have been numerous and passionate, with many accusing the parents of being irresponsible. “My child’s health is worth more than any trip or money!”commented a user on TikTok. Others highlighted the serious risks to the baby, such as febrile seizures or a respiratory complication mid-flight.
The majority of pediatricians recommend seeing a doctor immediately if a baby's fever exceeds 39°C. “Taking a plane with such a sick baby is not only dangerous for him, but also disrespectful to other passengers,” another user wrote. Some even raised the possibility that the child was contagious, posing a risk to those on board.
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Contested explanations
In a second video, Alina sought to calm critics by saying her baby's fever was due to teething. “Our baby wasn't sick; he was teething. This isn't the first time he's had a fever for this reason.”she said. She also said she brought all the necessary medications to ensure her child was taken care of during the trip.
However, Internet users quickly questioned this version of the facts. Fever caused by teething is often considered a myth by health professionals. Such a high fever is rather a sign of an infection or a more serious illness, which led many spectators to doubt the young woman's justification. Days after arriving in Thailand, Alina posted a new video claiming she and her husband fell ill due to food poisoning. However, several internet users made the connection between their health condition and their baby's initial fever, suggesting that the child may have been carrying a transmissible infection.
A journalist passionate about social issues and current affairs, Hugo puts his pen at the service of information. Interested in all themes, from the impact of artificial intelligence on…