A photo kept at the Amsterdam Museum revealed the incident. Details revealing attempted theft of Moroccan caftan in Algeria

A photo kept at the Amsterdam Museum revealed the incident. Details revealing attempted theft of Moroccan caftan in Algeria
A photo kept at the Amsterdam Museum revealed the incident. Details revealing attempted theft of Moroccan caftan in Algeria

This article was automatically translated from HIBAPRESS, the Arabic version:

Heba Presse – Discount

Morocco succeeds in foiling an Algerian attempt to steal the Moroccan caftan

The Kingdom of Morocco has succeeded in thwarting a new attempt by Algeria to appropriate Moroccan intangible heritage.

The case is linked to the eastern neighbor’s attempt to include a photo of the Moroccan caftan nata’ in a file concerning an Algerian uniform, which prompted Morocco’s ambassador to UNESCO, Samir Al-Dahr, to oppose this matter.

Algeria steals the image of the Fasi caftan

Details of the incident date back to Tabun State’s inclusion of a photo of the Moroccan caftan, “the fascinator’s caftan”, in the Malhafa and Gandoura uniform file for registration in Algeria.

The eastern neighbor, as usual, did not manage to complete his theft of Moroccan heritage, since it turned out that the photo included in his file belongs to a photo of a Moroccan caftan exhibited at the Amsterdam museum in the Netherlands.

UNESCO accepts Morocco’s objection

The Kingdom of Morocco hastened to collect all the evidence and data confirming the theft of the Moroccan caftan by Algeria before submitting them to UNESCO, which in turn announced that Morocco’s objection had been approved and decided to remove the image of the Moroccan caftan from the Algerian site. deposit.




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