67-year-old woman arrested after brother Charles Spencer claims he was abused at school – Closer

67-year-old woman arrested after brother Charles Spencer claims he was abused at school – Closer
67-year-old woman arrested after brother Charles Spencer claims he was abused at school – Closer

Charles Spencer, Lady Di’s brother, claims to have been
victim of sexual assault when he was just 11 years old. Earl Spencer’s trauma is said to have driven him to deliberately make himself ill. Princess Diana, for her part, would later suffer from bulimia, reports The SunJune 23, 2024.

Lady Di and Charles Spencer attend the school Maidwell
in Northamptonshire, in the 1970s. In his biographical book entitled A Very Private Schoolthe 60-year-old author provides horrific details about the
physical abuse and thesexual abuse that he and other boys at the boarding school had suffered.

Lady Di: an employee at their school touched her brother in the private parts

Lady Di’s brother says he was the victim of a “voracious pedophile“who chose a boy each quarter to share his bed and to use it for sex. For his part, Count Charles Spencer recounts that the woman, who was 19 or 20 years old, had first kissed him on the lips.

The voracious pedophile, as he called her, then promoted him to “in the second row of her reverse harem: those she touched intimately“. The touching he suffered from this woman was not not been without consequences on Charles Spencer who admits to having been deeply traumatized.

Photo credit: Bestimage Princess Diana’s brother, aged 60, has published a biographical book full of chilling statements about the violence and abuse he suffered at school.

Lady Di: her brother Charles Spencer loses his virginity at 12, a sexagenarian arrested

Charles Spencer claims in his book that due to the mistreatment he suffered, he lost his virginity to aItalian prostitute at the age of 12. Faced with allegations of sexual assault by Earl Spencer, Northamptonshire Police opened a criminal investigation on June 10, 2024.

A 67-year-old woman from Stafford was arrested the day after the investigation was announced and has been released on bail, a Northamptonshire Police spokesman said.As part of this investigation we arrested a 67 year old woman from StaffordShe was released on bail while we continue our investigation” said the police spokesman.



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