Marianne offers Samuel his job back at the hospital and Igor confesses (Full summary of episode 1722)

Marianne offers Samuel his job back at the hospital and Igor confesses (Full summary of episode 1722)
Marianne offers Samuel his job back at the hospital and Igor confesses (Full summary of episode 1722)

“Tomorrow We Belong” in advance with the detailed and complete summary of episode 1722 of Monday July 8, 2024 – Like every day, reveals the rest of the intrigues of your favorite soap opera. In this new episode which will be broadcast next Monday at 7:10 p.m. on TF1, Bart meets Caroline Blanc played by Hélène Degy while the police complete the investigation into the double homicide of John Kovac and Clarisse Belinski.

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The previous summary of Tomorrow Belongs to Us from Friday July 5, 2024 from News Actual
is also online.

Also find DNA spoilers until July 19, 2024. Good reading.

Tomorrow Belongs to Us: Summary of the episode of July 8, 2024

Lisa lies to Aaron

In the early morning, Aaron wakes Lisa because she speaks German in her sleep. The young woman claims she was simply mumbling in her sleep. Besides, she never learned German. During breakfast, Aaron wonders if Lisa might have dissociative amnesia following a trauma. Victoire is skeptical. When Lisa joins them, Aaron asks his partner if she hasn’t had a little shock or an accident recently. But this is not the case. And for good reason, Lisa learns the German language without the knowledge of Aaron and those around him. But why ?

Bart meets Caroline Blanc

At the Spoon, Bart meets Caroline Blanc, the investigator sent by his insurance company. He presents him with the balance sheet for the current year as well as the invoices corresponding to the stolen equipment. Bart asks her if she thinks he will be able to be compensated quickly, but Caroline tells him that he will not be reimbursed because of the obsolescence of the equipment. Bart hardly admits the blow. Caroline points out that he should have opted for better coverage and implies that he was careless. Bart urges him to find a solution and quickly otherwise he will change insurance.

Will Samuel return to his position at the hospital?

Over coffee at Spoon, William confides in Samuel about his differences with Aurore. He admits to his friend that he is tired of his wife deciding everything all the time. Then, he laments that Aurore doesn’t care what he feels or what he thinks, like when she decided to send her mother to prison. Samuel thinks that this whole thing will settle down if he puts a little effort into it. William changes the subject and asks his best friend why he came back. Samuel explains to him that he did not come back for Victoire. Things are clear between them. In fact, between the death of his father and his rehab, he realized that there is really a place in Sète where he feels good.

During the day, Samuel goes to the hospital to see Marianne. She congratulates him for having followed the detox treatment well and for not having relapsed Then, she offers him to return to his position at the hospital. Samuel then meets Victoire and tells her of Marianne’s proposal. He adds that he hasn’t agreed yet, because he wanted to make sure it wouldn’t bother her. Then, he talks to Victoire about his house. Now that he’s back, he needs a place to stay.

At the end of the day, Nordine calls Manon out of the police station. Martin confided to him that the young woman’s parents were at odds and he asked Manon how she felt about the situation. Then, he suggests to Manon that they go for a drink, but Rachel comes to meet them. She and Nordine plan to go to dinner and she invites Manon to join them. Manon declines his invitation, claiming to have something planned.

Igor confesses

Following Georges’ discoveries, the police search Igor Belinski’s home in the presence of Sébastien Perraud. But the search yields nothing. Georges asks Igor where the cooling blankets are. Igor claims not to know what they are. Georges points out that he bought two a few days ago. Igor claims that his wife couldn’t stand the heat and that she could very well have bought them with her credit card.

At the police station, Damien informs Georges that the tracing on Belinski’s phone indicates that he stopped at the recycling center the day after his wife’s murder. In itself, this is not normal since he goes often, but never on Friday, because this day is reserved for construction professionals. Georges and Roxane summon the recycling center employee. He explains to them that Igor insisted on returning and that he then unloaded two brand new cooling blankets. Besides, he got them back. Georges demands to see them.

At the Julliards’ house, Bastien thanks Violette for welcoming him for the night when Jordan arrives and kisses his girlfriend. Bastien is delighted that they are finally a couple. Jordan gives Bastien a whole bunch of manga from Jack. Bastien decides to leave them alone and return home. Violette encourages him to stay, especially since his mother is taking steps so that he can stay with them temporarily. Bastien reassures her by telling her that he will come back. He just wants to be present at home. After Bastien leaves, Violette confides in Jordan how difficult it is to cheer up her friend. Jordan replies that it will take time because Bastien is really bad.

Georges and Martin, for their part, show Sébastien the two cooling blankets used by his friend Igor Belinski. One of the blankets is defective, which explains why the pellets blew in his house when Sébastien was present. Georges mentions that they also discovered a small bloodstain on the cover. Sébastien is doubtful, because given the violence of the blows given to Clarisse, they should have found more blood. Martin then explains that they used luminol on the blankets and shows him the result. The fabric has been cleaned thoroughly with bleach, but the fibers are still full of blood. Sébastien falters. In shock, he is on the verge of collapse.

A few minutes later, Sara and Nordine call out to Igor Belinski. For his part, Sébastien is terribly dejected and confides in Raphaëlle. He and Igor have known each other for 30 years. He would never have thought that his friend could massacre his wife. Whatever happens, he is determined to send him before the judge and erase him from his life.

Meanwhile, Martin leads Igor’s interrogation. Igor confesses to killing his wife when he realized she was going to leave him for John Kovac. But Igor denies using the blankets to falsify the time of his wife’s death. But Martin is not fooled. He knows that Igor was a court clerk and that he therefore knows full well that premeditation is an aggravating circumstance. Then, he points out that Igor staged Kovac’s suicide and that he used Sébastien to have an alibi, and that at this level, it is no longer premeditation, but methodical planning. Martin then informs Igor that he risks life in prison.

After his interrogation, as he is about to return to his custody cell, Igor runs into Sébastien in the lobby of the police station. He begs his friend not to let the police do this and adds that it is all Clarisse’s fault for breaking his heart. Sébastien deplores the fact that Igor is tarnishing his wife’s memory and says he is disgusted. Then, he asks him if he is not ashamed of having orphaned a boy. “Oh yeah, so that’s what friendship is for you? Just the good times? But you disgust me too,” Igor says. Sébastien loses his cool. He grabs Igor by the collar and shouts at him to go to hell.

Find “Tomorrow belongs to us” from Monday to Friday at 7:10 p.m. on TF1, but also in streaming and replay on the TF1+ platform.



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