“They are…”: these bitter confidences from Pierre Arditi on the relationship between Pierre Palmade and Muriel Robin one year after the accident

“They are…”: these bitter confidences from Pierre Arditi on the relationship between Pierre Palmade and Muriel Robin one year after the accident
“They are…”: these bitter confidences from Pierre Arditi on the relationship between Pierre Palmade and Muriel Robin one year after the accident

I’m not her friend anymoreand end of story. It is in these terms that Muriel
mentioned on France Info’s microphone his relationship with Pierre Palmade in September 2023, seven months after the terrible accident caused by the 55-year-old comedian. Life makes us face betrayals. We have fewer friends. We are afraid of getting attached. That’s a pretty strong booster shot!”

In the same interview, the actress made a surprising confession: “I was Pierre Palmade’s friend. I always wondered if he was mine. I have the answer today.” Upset by the victims’ testimonies, she then said she preferred to remain silent.

Pierre Palmade and Muriel Robin: where is their relationship?

Almost a year later, Muriel Robin seems to be sticking to her guns. During his appearance on the show Chez Jordan on C8,
Pierre Arditihis play partner in the room Lapland by Samuel Benchetrit, confirms that‘elle
“don’t want to talk about it”
. “She’s right, by the way, and it’s her business.”he validates. The 79-year-old actor makes a bitter observation: “CIt’s especially sad […] for all of us”.

He pursues : “I can’t speak for them, but indeed, they are… He was on a pedestal and he fell from itfor everyone […] We’re not going to say that it was great. I regret it because he’s a talented guy, who I like and who I liked. He’s a fragile young man.”

Pierre Palmade: this radical decision by Muriel Robin

Like other ex-friends of Pierre Palmade, Muriel Robin today categorically refuses to see her name associated with that of the fifty-year-old. “His former accomplice
Muriel Robin is now opposed to any resumption of sketches
or parts that she could create with
[Pierre] Palmade
the magazine revealed
Paris Match last February.

This decision could cost the comedian dearly. “[Pierre] Palmade will no longer receive royaltieswhile the year 2023 allowed him to earn nearly 5,000 euros per month, solely through the rights to old plays performed in the provinces by unknown actors”, our colleagues affirmed this winter.



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