Series of accidents in Sarthe: one serious injury and six minor injuries mobilize 34 firefighters

Series of accidents in Sarthe: one serious injury and six minor injuries mobilize 34 firefighters
Series of accidents in Sarthe: one serious injury and six minor injuries mobilize 34 firefighters


Carine Robinault

Published on

June 29, 2024 at 10:16 a.m.

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The Sarthe firefighters were largely mobilized yesterday, Friday June 28, 2024 at the end of the day for a series of road accidents. In total, six loss of controls or collisions mobilized no less than 34 rescuers in the department, causing one serious injury and six minor injuries.

An accident leaves one seriously injured and one lightly injured in Savigné-l’Evêque, the start of a series

The first concerned a single vehicle leaving the road, in the commune of Savigné-l’Evêque, on the road to Joué-l’Abbé, shortly before 5 p.m. A seriously injured person and another person with more minor injuries were transported by firefighters from the Savigné-l’Evêque, Yvré-l’Evêque and Joué-l’Abbé emergency centres to the Le Mans hospital.

Two pedestrians struck, at Le Mans and Grand-Lucé

A quarter of an hour later, at 6:13 p.m., a collision between a scooter and a pedestrian occurred, 112 rue Ambroise Paré, in Le Mans, requiring the transport of a slightly injured person to the South Health Center by the Degré firefighters.

At 6:52 p.m., it was this time near Saint-Calais that an accident between a light vehicle and a motorcycle occurred, avenue de Bourgneuf. One person, slightly injured, was taken to Le Mans hospital.

Only ten minutes later, a pedestrian was hit by a light vehicle in Grand-Lucé. One person was slightly injured near the place called “La Florière”, who was evacuated to Le Mans. The intervention mobilized six rescuers from Parigné-l’Evêque and Pruillé-l’Eguillé.

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Then, those from Cérans and Mézeray came to the aid of a person, slightly injured in a loss of control, at 7:30 p.m., in the commune of La Fontaine-Saint-Martin, near the place called La Bletterie, on the RD8. She was transported to the Bailleul hospital center.

Finally, at 7:36 p.m., a cyclist was slightly injured, alone, in Lafayette Square, in Le Mans, where he was taken to hospital.

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