Hollywood distressed by the Trump-Biden debate

Hollywood distressed by the Trump-Biden debate
Hollywood distressed by the Trump-Biden debate

Jeudi held on CNN the first debate of the American presidential campaign, the election of which will take place in November. If the majority of celebrities show a preference for the Democratic Party, it is clear that Joe Biden has not convinced them.

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The cause is growing concerns about the health of the 81-year-old outgoing president. In recent times, the current White House occupant has seemed lost or absent on several occasions, and his debate with Donald Trump was no exception.

As host Jon Stewart showed in his late show, Joe Biden seemed to be absent after the first ten minutes of the debate, which lasted an hour and a half.

“If there’s one thing that was demonstrated tonight, it’s that the MAGA (Donald Trump supporters) conspiracy theory about Biden’s debate performance is complete nonsense,” he said. -he declared, in reference to the theory put forward in a campaign clip from the Republican camp which claimed that Joe Biden would take medication to improve his abilities in order to face their candidate.

Journalists criticized

Jon Stewart isn’t the only one who believes that “they should both be on performance-enhancing drugs.” Stephen King calls the debate “a disgrace.” “The networks sold it as entertainment, as a boxing match, and threw democracy out the window,” he added on Twitter/X.

The actor of Star Wars, Mark Hamill, tries to forget this debate from which he expected “nothing” by recalling on the social network that “Joe Biden is the president who has been the most successful at the legislative level”. And to add that Trump is “a convicted man, a serial liar and a rapist who is unfit for any office whatsoever”.

The moderation of the debate by journalists was also called into question, Donald Trump and his personal reading of the facts being difficult to channel. This is the observation made by the actor of Grey’s Anatomy Jesse Williams, who lamented that “not a single lie was verified.” Barbra Streisand was equally upset, finding the way the debate was conducted “unfair.” The singer and actress then wrote that “debating is not governing.”

The same goes for Donald Trump’s few celebrity supporters. Comedian Roseanne Barr, a fervent supporter of the billionaire, tweeted: “As MAGA and pro-America as I am… I’m not enjoying this debate. Biden is clearly absent. It’s sad.” […] Yes, Trump is the better choice…but let’s pray for our country instead. »



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