Photography exhibition at the Masseube nursing home: increasing residents’ self-esteem

Photography exhibition at the Masseube nursing home: increasing residents’ self-esteem
Photography exhibition at the Masseube nursing home: increasing residents’ self-esteem

the essential
With the idea of ​​restoring a positive image to the residents of the Val de Gers nursing home, the “Hier-Encore” exhibition was proposed.

Sophie Dall’acqua, the director of the Val de Gers nursing home in Masseube, presented the photography exhibition “Yesterday-Still”. This project was carried out by Morgane Lacombe, photographer, with the advice and support of Virginie Bordes-Fourgeaud, the psychologist at the facility.

The idea is to restore a positive self-image to older people who often suffer from a loss of self-esteem due to aging and dependency. This reminds everyone (the resident photographed, his family, visitors to the exhibition) that the elderly person in the photo is also the person in the prime of life who posed proudly yesterday in front of the photographer’s lens and who is still happy to be photographed.

Enhancing self-image

This project was proposed to residents and only those who expressed their consent participated in the operation. Support was then everyone’s concern.

The choice of yesterday’s photo and today’s outfit was made with the support of the family and the staff of the nursing home, psychologist, socio-esthetician, facilitator and caregiver.

The choice of photography of past times is different from one resident to another, some choose photos in middle age, others in their youth, some in privacy, others in their environment professional.

The main thing in this exhibition is that it helps to enhance the person’s image and increases their self-esteem by helping them to accept the effects of aging.



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