She ignores a sign that prohibits attraction to women and bitterly regrets it.

She ignores a sign that prohibits attraction to women and bitterly regrets it.
She ignores a sign that prohibits attraction to women and bitterly regrets it.

A high-flying diving champion made a strange discovery in Austria, says The Mirror. Attracted by thrills, some people do not always take the time to read the safety instructions. This is what happened to Rhiannan Ifflandworld champion high diver, who decided to defy a warning sign.

This experienced stuntwoman was not deterred by a sign banning women from a water slide. Shared on TikTok, his misadventure garnered more than 37 million views in one week. We see the Australian sportswoman launching herself at full speed on a dizzying pentagliss, before letting out high-pitched cries which say a lot about the experience she is going through.

A risk to women’s health

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In the comments of the video, many TikTok users explained the reason for the ban on women. The sign near the slide at Area 47 amusement park in Austria mentions a “high risk of injury. This water slide, billed as the fastest in Europe, can reach speeds of 80 km/h.

According to a study published in the National Library of Medicine, the force of high-pressure water can cause vaginal damage. This is the main reason for the ban specifically targeting women. Other women have reported contracting urinary infections following the presence of foreign bodies in the water. The study even cites the case of a patient treated in the emergency room after a vaginal hemorrhage caused by a passage on a similar slide.

“I unfortunately got an enema on the water slide”

Rhiannan Iffland has nearly 180,000 followers on TikTok. Many of them seem well-informed about the dangers of this type of attraction.I unfortunately got an enema on the water slide“, commented one user after seeing the video.I had to empty half the pool through my butt into the toilet. I couldn’t stand up after that. It was the weirdest experience I’ve ever had.

Another added, in shock: “Oh my God, I didn’t even know it had a name! Water slide enema. This is exactly what happened to me.“A third woman testified:”Never again this kind of slide for me… I went straight to the toilet.“Finally, a fourth added:”The number of people who have gotten enemas on a water slide is scary. I’ve never heard of it before. Well, at least I have a reason to never go on one of those slides again.



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