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In Val-de-Marne, the rebellious Louis Boyard against the macronist Loïc Signor, two media figures who are completely opposed

Par Richard Godin

Published on June 26, 2024 at 5:18 p.m.Updated June 26, 2024 at 6:04 p.m.

Louis Boyard at the popular Valenton market, June 25, and Loïc Signor in Santeny, June 24, 2024. MONTAGE-RICHARD GODIN/“THE NEW OBS”

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Reading time: 6 min.


Reportage For his first election, Loïc Signor, former CNews journalist, joined the macronie in September 2022, chose to confront the rebellious young outgoing deputy, ex-columnist of “Touche pas à mon poste”. A match that is played as much on the field as on social networks.

For further

“This territory deserves better than Louis Boyard! » To explain his candidacy in the 3e constituency of Val-de-Marne, Loïc Signor does not beat around the bush: he came to bring down the young pillar of La France insoumise (LFI). Full of confidence, the Renaissance spokesperson counts on the “rejection” of the outgoing MP, of whom he claims to be a witness during his travels. “Mayors refuse to welcome him”, he even adds. Despite his electoral inexperience and his entry into politics less than two years ago, his profile has been strategically validated by the oils of the majority. “It is a media choice of the Prime Minister and Stéphane Séjourné [secrétaire général de Renaissance, NDLR] to invest myself against him »he explains.

Because the match between the two candidates bears the label “seen on TV”. On one side, Louis Boyard was a columnist for “Les Grandes Gueules” on RMC, then “Touche pas à mon poste”, the show of Cyril Hanouna, against whom he confirms having filed a complaint after the insults of the host against him in November 2022. Opposite, Loïc Signor is a former political journalist responsible for following the Elysée for CNews, where he had taken the head of the company…

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