Retirement at 60, 64 or 66? What Jordan Bardella, Manuel Bompard and Gabriel Attal propose

Retirement at 60, 64 or 66? What Jordan Bardella, Manuel Bompard and Gabriel Attal propose
Retirement at 60, 64 or 66? What Jordan Bardella, Manuel Bompard and Gabriel Attal propose


Maxim T’sjoen

Published on

June 26, 2024 at 10:48 a.m.

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It’s a hot topic. It has now been a year since the (much) criticized pension reform was adopted by the National Assembly using 49.3. And, a year later, pensions are at the heart of the anticipated legislative elections of June 30 and July 7, 2024.

This complex issue, as it is scrutinized by many voters, was also at the center of the discussions of the debate on Tuesday, June 25, on TF1.

Despite the hubbub of certain sequences, Gabriel Attal (Ensemble), Manuel Bompard (New Popular Front) and Jordan Bardella (National Rally), were able to express their position on retirement.

Back to the pension reform

Without going into detail, the pension reform which entered into force in September 2023 gradually provides, by 2027, for a legal retirement age of 64, with 43 years of contributions, otherwise a reduction will be applied on retirement, or the obligation to work additional necessary quarters to receive a full pension.

Jordan Bardella acknowledges the possibility of leaving at 66

Before presenting his project, the young president of the RN widely criticized Emmanuel Macron’s pension reform, “socially unfair” and “economically ineffective.”

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“My priority will be long careers,” said Jordan Bardella.

Those who started working before the age of 20, who have difficult jobs who are not as lucky as we are to work in air-conditioned offices in the summer and heated in the winter. I wish that from autumn [2024]they can leave with a contribution period of 40 years and a legal retirement age of 60 years.

Jordan Bardella

A “social justice” choice for the president of the far-right party, who then explained that there would be “progressiveness”, with a “pivotal age around 62 years and 42 years of contributions”. Without stopping at a specific number.

In a concrete case of someone who started working at 24, “you will leave with 42 years of contributions, or 66 years”.

He recognized that in his program there would be winners and losers.

According to Jordan Bardella, this “budgetary choice” on long careers would cost 1.6 billion euros, while Gabriel Attal puts it at 44 billion. “We don’t understand anything about your reform,” the Prime Minister also mocked.

Manuel Bompard promises to reduce the retirement age to 60, but…

A little further behind in the debate, Manuel Bompard was however very clear on the New Popular Front’s project concerning pensions.

We will, firstly and immediately (…), repeal Emmanuel Macron’s reform, that is to say reduce the retirement age to 62 and then, before 2027, file a proposed law to reduce the retirement age to 60.

Manuel Bompard

The LFI coordinator then explained that he wanted to return to 40 annual contributions.

On the two scenarios proposed by TF1he carried out his reform.

If a person started working at 17, “yes, obviously they must be able to leave at full employment at 60, or even earlier, if they benefit from long-term career planning”.

A person who started working at 24 will be able to retire at 60, but not at full rate because they will not have completed their 40 years of contributions. “If we return to 40 years of contributions, that means 64 years.” That is two years less than the RN (42 years), and three less than Emmanuel Macron’s pension reform (43 years from 2027).

Gabriel Attal denounces both systems

“To the French people who work, don’t take the risk of seeing a reform that would screw up the system,” criticized Gabriel Attal.

You lower the retirement age, which means that there will be even more retirees whose pensions will have to be financed and therefore fewer people working, which means that we must reduce pensions.

Gabriel Attal

The Prime Minister, if he remains in power, assured that he would not go further on the issue of pensions. “We will go further on employment,” he explained, because “the pensions of our retirees are paid by the French who work.”

In particular, he wants to implement the senior index, invalidated by the Constitutional Council. You still have to stay in Matignon.

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