Eleven murders in one week – Today Morocco

Eleven murders in one week – Today Morocco
Eleven murders in one week – Today Morocco

A particularly bloody week. Indeed, from June 17 to 22, no less than eleven murders were committed in Casablanca, Salé, Al Haouz, Beni Mellal, El Jadida and Youssoufia, an average of more than two homicides per day.

The rural commune of Talat N’Yaaqoub located in the Isni circle of Al Haouz province was, on the night of Friday June 21, the scene of a murder. It is about a sixteen-year-old teenager who ended the life of his maternal uncle, a thirty-year-old. Under the influence of alcohol, the latter asked his mother for money before heading towards his sister who refused to pay him a single penny. And like a monster, he threw himself at her and violently held her by the neck, trying to strangle her. Seeing his mother in mortal danger and without thinking, his nephew quickly grabbed a stone and struck his maternal uncle in the head. The teenager eventually came forward voluntarily to the police and confessed to his crime.
The day before, Thursday June 20, in Casablanca, an Ivorian national was raped before being killed by a young man, in his thirties, who suffered from mental disorders. The tragedy occurred on the terrace of a building located in the Hassani district, when this young Ivorian woman went up there to dry her laundry. Unfortunately, this attacker, aged twenty-nine, attacked her, raped her before killing her and wrapping her body in a carpet. The murderer who was arrested had previously abused his mother as well as attempted to rape his niece.
The same day, Thursday June 20, in Zaouiat Cheikh in the province of Beni Mellal, a septuagenarian who had had a simple misunderstanding with his wife, a sixty-year-old, grabbed an ax to deal her fatal blows. And in Casablanca, in the Ben M’sik district, there was, on the same day, a crime of parricide. It concerns a mentally ill person who was interned in a psychiatric hospital and who had only left three days before the feast of the sacrifice. This young man who took drugs had already hit his father with a gas canister to cause him broken bones before committing the irreparable.
Still in Casablanca, the same day, acts of hooliganism led to the death of a young man. The police investigation revealed that supporters of Raja de Casablanca gathered in the Sidi Bernoussi and Sidi Moumen neighborhoods to celebrate their team’s championship victory. But they found themselves in confrontation with WAC supporters. These acts of violence led to the death of a Rajaoui supporter. Seven suspects have been arrested and others are currently being sought by police.
On Wednesday June 19, the city of Salé witnessed a sixth murder. These are two brothers who beat up a young man, a security agent, in the Chafaâ neighborhood, in the Sahb Al Qaïd region.
The same day, a seventh crime of murder took place in the Médiouna region located south of the city of Casablanca when a young man ended his wife’s life by stabbing her several times with a knife. Barely married, their married life was punctuated by misunderstandings and conflicts so that the irreparable was committed at home in the Er-Rachad district.
Also on Wednesday June 10, on rue Bouhara located in Kasbah, in the old medina, in Beni Mellal, a forty-year-old stabbed his roommate. He died before arriving at the emergency department of the Beni Mellal regional hospital. At the origin of this homicide, an argument over a simple misunderstanding between these two friends who occupied a single room. More than twenty blows from a bladed weapon were inflicted on the victim, a thirty-year-old man. The suspect was arrested immediately before being placed in police custody.
Furthermore, the author of a murder in the rural commune of Moulay Abdellah in the province of El Jadida and more precisely in the Al Qaïd douar, was arrested on Tuesday, June 18, by elements of the royal gendarmerie. A few hours earlier, the latter, re-convicted, ended the life of his neighbor who was complaining that the volume of the music was too loud and was preventing him from sleeping. The murderer has been arrested.
Monday June 17, two other homicides took place in Casablanca and Youssoufia. It concerns a young man who ended his mother’s life (see our edition n°5685 of Wednesday June 19, 2024) and a young man of nineteen who killed a father of family in the El Midate douar in the rural commune of Jdour, in the province of Youssoufia (see our edition no. 5686 of Thursday June 20, 2024).



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