Port-Cartier: forest fires still out of control and near the city

Port-Cartier: forest fires still out of control and near the city
Port-Cartier: forest fires still out of control and near the city

The evacuation notice affecting 1,000 residents and the state of emergency are once again maintained in Port-Cartier, on the North Shore, due to forest fires nearby, but which continue to burn. progress towards the north rather than towards the municipality.

• Read also: 1,000 people evacuated due to forest fires: the new reality of Port-Cartier, according to the mayor

• Read also: Forest fires: financial assistance for evacuees reactivated by Quebec

• Read also: Air quality in Sept-Îles: “the equivalent of entering a room with half a dozen smokers”

In a publication on Facebook, the City tells its citizens that the conditions are not yet in place for affected residents to return to their homes, particularly due to fires 221 and 211 which are still “out of control and close to the city “.

However, the additional personnel arriving on the territory of the municipality as well as the rain expected in 48 hours are encouraging factors.

“Although the situation is improving, it remains too unstable and close to the city’s territory to allow reintegration of the evacuated residential sectors immediately,” says the city’s publication.

“Each decision is made by first considering the safety of citizens,” we add.

An analysis to understand the behavior of the fires was not possible at the start of the day due to a plume of smoke.

Authorities will attempt to make this assessment again later today.

Work is also continuing to the north of the city to protect certain infrastructure surrounded by trees.

Another update on the status of the situation will be communicated late this afternoon.



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