Dozens of people evacuated due to gas leak in Chomedey

Dozens of people evacuated due to gas leak in Chomedey
Dozens of people evacuated due to gas leak in Chomedey

A fence installation contractor accidentally pierced a natural gas supply pipe serving rental properties on Notre-Dame Boulevard on the morning of Thursday, June 27.

The incident occurred around 10:37 a.m., when 911 alerted the Laval Fire Department (SSIL) that an urgent intervention was necessary.

Arriving on site 5 minutes later, the first of the 22 firefighters needed for the intervention, i.e. 6 SSIL units and their officers, actually detected that there was a gas leak spreading into the air.

While firefighters evacuated about ten residents from the most at-risk homes, their colleagues visited other apartments, asking people to close their windows first.

Firefighters then took carbon monoxide readings on all three floors of the two buildings near the leak located just east of Dover Street.

No readings gave cause for concern as the breach was sealed and the situation was declared under control at 11:42 a.m.

During their action, the firefighters also requested help from Hydro-Québec in order to temporarily interrupt power in the area, due to the proximity of electrical power wires.

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