James Georges: “Electing Wazungu is a strong point in making people understand that Mayotte is indeed French”

James Georges: “Electing Wazungu is a strong point in making people understand that Mayotte is indeed French”
James Georges: “Electing Wazungu is a strong point in making people understand that Mayotte is indeed French”

James Gorges is deputy for Manon Moreno, candidate of the Reconquest party in the 2nd constituency

“Manon is a young activist from Reconquête, enrolled like me since January 2022. She is 35 years old, she is a bus driver. She followed her policeman husband transferred to Mayotte,” explains Jame Georges. The deputy asserts that “the State does not carry out its sovereign functions in the department. The Mahorais feel dispossessed of their territory.”

James Gorges is substitute for Manon Moreno, he was the guest of Zakweli

According to James Georges, the priority is to put an end to insecurity and illegal immigration:

We are defending a naval blockade of Mayotte using the latest generation radars and a reinforced fleet to intercept kwassas.

As for policing, “we say that rather than turning offenders back, we must catch them. Those with dual nationality must be returned to their country of origin. French minors must be placed in a closed educational center.”

The supporter of reconquest puts forward another argument in favor of his party’s two candidacies: “Electing Wazungu is a strong point for making people understand that Mayotte is indeed French”, affirming that the two metropolitan candidates “have a lot of energy “.



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