LIVE – Legislative elections: “the greatest threat” in the country is that of the “extreme right” according to François Molins – Libération

LIVE – Legislative elections: “the greatest threat” in the country is that of the “extreme right” according to François Molins – Libération
LIVE – Legislative elections: “the greatest threat” in the country is that of the “extreme right” according to François Molins – Libération

Laurent Berger is “a concerned citizen”. Invited on France 2, the former secretary general of the CFDT Laurent Berger said “worried” faced with the hypothesis of the National Rally coming to power. “The RN is the party of fear and in the face of these fears we must provide constructive solutions. The RN is not the solution, there are other possible solutions,” recalls Laurent Berger. But unlike the macronie, Laurent Berger does not put the New Popular Front and the National Rally back to back: “We are in a critical situation and we must stop the caricatures. The choice to say “there are two extremes and us” is an error […] Lionel Jospin called to vote for the New Popular Front, he is not a terrible leftist.”

Furthermore, in reference to the proposal made by Raphaël Glucksmann to appoint Laurent Berger to Matignon, the former secretary of the CFDT has for the moment brushed aside this possibility. “We are dying of personalization. “That’s not the point.” emphasizing that he has chosen to withdraw from public life. Regarding the name of a possible Prime Minister, Laurent Berger was categorical: “It won’t be Jean-Luc Mélenchon. He tries to dynamite everything […] What is needed is appeasement and the ability to compromise.”

Earlier this Monday, in an interview with the newspaper the worldLaurent Berger declared that “the first emergency is to avoid the RN”, no knowing who will go to Matignon. “The subject, from now on, the first emergency, is to avoid the RN. This training provides no response to the economic, social, ecological and democratic challenges that we all face. It leads us towards a dead end,” he assured.



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