Purchasing power. The government of Senegal lowers prices

Purchasing power. The government of Senegal lowers prices
Purchasing power. The government of Senegal lowers prices

This reduction, which will be effective from Monday June 24, concerns: bread, wheat flour, rice, oil, crystallized sugar and cement.

“All prices will be immediately applicable throughout the territory and the display of prices will be obligatory and re-specified by the ministry’s decree,” declared the Minister of Industry and Commerce, Serigne Guèye Diop.

Concerning the support measures for the application of prices, Diop affirmed that his ministry will take “all the necessary measures” in relation with the actors, importers, traders, manufacturers and consumers to ensure “strict compliance” prices throughout the country.

“Control on the ground will be effective and reinforced and we will first involve consumer volunteers and the defense and security forces will also be involved,” underlined Serigne Guèye Diop, adding that all stakeholders will be involved. contribution through citizen control and the involvement of community relays such as neighborhood leaders, noting that a special system will be discussed and put in place in collaboration with the Autonomous Port of Dakar to accelerate unloading and customs clearance.

“For structural measures, we will continue the policy of economic and food sovereignty, reorganize the modernization of distribution and the establishment of reference stores like SONADIS throughout the territory,” said Diop, quoted by the local press.




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