“Mélenchon is neither hoped for nor necessary” for Belloubet

“Mélenchon is neither hoped for nor necessary” for Belloubet
“Mélenchon is neither hoped for nor necessary” for Belloubet

Poll: the RN in the lead ahead of the left, Macronie behind. The National Rally and its right-wing allies of Eric Ciotti are leading the voting intentions in the first round of the legislative elections (35.5%), followed by the New Popular Front (29.5%), with the Macronie being left behind (19 .5%), according to an Ipsos survey for The Parisian and Radio France published on Saturday. In this survey published one week before the first round, The Republicans, who have not joined the alliance between their president Eric Ciotti and the far right, come in fourth position with 7% voting intentions. The survey announces a sharp increase in participation compared to 2022, when it rose to 47.5%, with 60 to 64% of French people saying they intend to go to the polls.

“Macronism is over,” judges François Hollande. “Macronism is over. If indeed it existed, but it is over, I say it without particular hostility,” declared former President François Hollande, candidate for the New Popular Front in Corrèze, in an interview with AFP. On his candidacy, François Hollande assured that he had “not planned” to take part in “any election” but “a serious event had to occur”. “The European elections were a shock because the level of the RN was high but that did not justify a dissolution. This risk-taking which was Emmanuel Macron’s choice justified that there be responses in relation to the seriousness of the moment. Among them, there is the union of a left which found itself in an emergency without hiding its differences,” he added.

Darmanin will resign from the government if he is defeated. The minister of the Interior announced Friday that he would leave the government in the event of defeat of the majority in the legislative elections on July 7. “If ever the RN or LFI were to win, I would in no case be Minister of the Interior, even for a few more weeks,” he detailed during a trip to Lille (North), almost a month before the Olympic Games kick off. And “if I were ever to be beaten as a deputy, obviously I would not continue to be a minister”, added the one who led currently campaigning in the north.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon does not “eliminate himself” to be Prime Minister. Guest of C l’hebdo on France 5, Jean-Luc Mélenchon indicated that the New Popular Front “will discuss” the name of the Prime Minister in the event of victory. “The largest parliamentary group presents the candidate for prime minister. We will see in this case how we decide,” he said. Asked if it could be him, the founder of France Insoumise replied: “Well obviously. I don’t eliminate myself and I don’t impose myself.”



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