What does the Highway Code say?

What does the Highway Code say?
What does the Highway Code say?

As the heatwave approaches in France, getting some fresh air and driving in flip-flops can quickly become an option. But what does the Highway Code tell us about this?

The first heat arrived in France in recent days. It must be said that it was temps because July has just ended to start. But when the temperatures climb too much, motorists may have some habits that are not very regulatory. This is why, today, we are wondering whether or not it is possible to to drive in flip-flops.

Is it legal to drive in flip-flops?

To know whether or not it is forbidden to to roll in flip-flops, you have to look at the Highway Code. Unfortunately, French law does not have any text dealing with this subject. The closest is the article R412-6 of the Highway Code. The latter specifies that “Every driver must constantly be in a condition and position to carry out conveniently and without delay all the maneuvers incumbent upon him.”
In this text, the police have a certain freedom of appreciation. Which allows them to judge whether a behavior is dangerous or not. In other words, if you drive in flip-flops and the police officer determines that this represents a dangerhe could you verbalize.
In fact, whether it is sandals, flip-flops or slides, it can represent difficulty in pressing correctly the pedals.
In the case where the police believe that your behavior is dangerousyou will then be liable of a fine 2nd class flat rate. Its amount is 35 € but reduced to 22 € if you pay immediately. Penalties can be as high as immobilization of the vehicle if you do not have shoes spare. On the other hand, no points will be deducted from your driving licence. took of.

Attention to your safety

Even if nothing does not prohibit in the Highway Code to drive in flip flopsit is a practice which is nevertheless very not recommended. Indeed, it is preferable, especially for long journeysto equip yourself with suitable shoes that support your feet correctly. This is a security issue.
As mentioned earlier, a flip flop can get stuck under the pedal. Additionally, driving barefoot will give you less résistance and of force at the brake pedal level. The risk of accident is therefore increased in both cases.
Another valid reason: if you have an accident, at the level insurance, this can cause you problems. Indeed, insurance can severely penalize the driver because this is of a behavior judged as a fault.
The results can go up to non-compensation damage, whether material or physical. And this, regardless of the contract you have. Attention: the law is not the same in other European countries. It is therefore important to ask about before going abroad.

Know that in Spainfor example, driving in flip-flops or barefoot is strictly prohibited. You will then be liable to a fine of 200 €.



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