House of the Dragon: the series has just resumed with season 2, here are 4 stages of season 1 to remember!

Last Sunday, the series House of the Dragon resumed its broadcast after almost two long years of absence. In order to help you get back into the rhythm and, above all, to put all the events in context, we have written for you, in the form of four steps, the main important moments of the first season (and not from the books). With this, you should be able to understand why the Greens and Blacks are fighting for the Iron Throne! Be careful not to spoil yourself though!

King Viserys has chosen his rightful heir to the Iron Throne, and it’s a choice that won’t pass muster!

Perhaps even more than Game of Thrones, the spinoff series House of the Dragon showed us just how much politics is involved in the hope of seizing the Iron Throne. Throughout the first season, we were able to discover these conflicts on a smaller scale since the many intrigues and subplots often have to do with the Targaryen family. Moreover, it is indeed the heirs of this family who exercise power since it is indeed Viserys Targaryen (Grandson of Jaehaerys Targaryen, son of Baelon and Alyssa Targaryen) who reigns from the Iron Throne. At the time of his takeover, he was preferred to his cousin Rhaenys (called the Queen who never was, dismissed several times and notably by her uncle Baelon, the first time) by the Grand Council, and this decision had its importance a few years later!

Indeed, the first knot of the plot of season 1 comes from his decision to entrust the succession of the Iron Throne to his only child – at the time, since Baelon, the second child he had with Aemma Arryn, n he only survived one day, the day after the death of his mother – the young Rhaenyra Targaryen. Yet there were still two other, older suitors: Daemon Targaryen and, once again, Rhaenys. But, as one might suspect, the decision does not pass, causing chatter and provoking new quarrels, resulting in Daemon being sidelined. Throughout the first season, King Viserys is ravaged by doubt, even confiding in his second wife, Alicent Hightower, and expressing his fear of having gone astray. Over the years, the equation becomes more complicated for him since he ends up having a son with Alicent, Aegon II Targaryen, but continues to support his daughter until the end, while asking her to make some concessions… including that of get married, and that’s where it gets complicated.

A descendant who sets fire to the powder, the children of Rhaenyra in turmoil

During the years that followed, choosing a suitor was a mission that did not really delight Rhaenyra and none of those she met suited her… apart from Ser Criston Cole, whom she had already known for several years. The problem is that he is the lord Commander of the Royal Guard, reluctant (at first) and he cannot break his wishes, even if he was ready (ultimately) to do so for Rhaenyra which makes her made people doubt and distance themselves. Over time, she feels more and more constrained regarding this marriage and finally finds herself forced to follow her father’s plan, which she rejects at first then accepts for fear of being disinherited: unite with Rhaenys and Corlys Velaryon’s son, Laenor.

Ultimately, this union will have many advantages for both parties since Laenor is, in reality, much more attracted to men. For Rhaenyra, it is the prospect of getting rid of the Hand of her father, Otto Hightower, father of Alicent, replaced by Lord Lyonel Strong, and continuing to lead her life. He barely has time to warn his daughter that she will have to be careful of Rhaenyra because she might want to attack her children (those she has and will have with Viserys) before leaving for Oldville. Thus, the two agree at the time of their union to respect family injunctions, while maintaining their respective privacy… which will not prevent them from having their own children. Finally… As the sons of Rhaenyra and Laenor are born, a rumor spreads more and more, igniting the powder of an internal war which was only waiting to ignite since the fears felt by Alicent.

Two families like cats and dogs, the Dance of Dragons has been there from the beginning

Although the structure of the story and certain scenes diverge from the writings of George RR Martin, the series was able to show the political dimension and this struggle for power between, on one side, the Hightower camp and, on the other , that of the Targaryens. Also, to harm Rhaenyra, rumors spread quite quickly that her sons are not legitimate, nor from her union with Laenor Velaryon. The height of dishonor, they would be… bastards. In defense of this gossip, it is true that Jacaerys, Lucerys and Joffrey do not have a lot of resemblance to their father. What is much more obvious is their physical relationship with Harwyn Fort, commander of the King’s Landing watch. At the same time, everyone expands their family: Alicent gave birth to Helaena and Aemond, Daemon, who married Laena (sister of Laenor) Velaryon, becomes the father of two daughters, Baela and Rhaena. In short, the Targaryen line is growing… and that doesn’t necessarily make for a good mix.

House of the Dragon: the series has just resumed with season 2, here are 4 stages of season 1 to remember!

Of course, all these children grow up almost together, but we know how cruel they can be, and the agreements envisaged by the parents do not help to calm tensions. Finally, it was during the funeral of Laena Velaryon, who died in childbirth, that everything changed. Following yet another quarrel, provoked by Aemond who had the nerve to ride Vhagar, the fire dragon-Laena, and fly away with him, a symbol which made him his new dragon rider, Lucerys planted a dagger in the eye of Aemond, marking the beginning of an unquenchable hatred on the part of the latter for the sons of Rhaenyra. It is this incident which, after months of rumors, ignites the dust between the family of Alicent and Rhaenyra, soon designated under two colors: the Greens and the Blacks. On Rhaenyra’s side, things are getting agitated: she and Daemon are considering uniting, so the two are considering a plan to allow Laenor to disappear and lead the life he wants with her lover while he pretends to be for dead.

A double coronation and a tragic death which mark the start of an immense war

To maintain good relations with the unsuspecting Velaryons, Rhaenyra plans to strengthen their alliance by pledging her sons, Jacaerys and Lucerys, to those of Daemon and Laena, Baela and Rhaena. At this time, allies are precious since the health of King Viserys is declining more and more and he can no longer support the incessant confrontations between the families of his wife and that of his daughter, and the situation will not get better at the time of ‘bring up the subject of the Velaryon succession. During an important hearing, the atmosphere becomes agitated very quickly: Rhaenyra and her sons are once again disgraced and the hearing turns into execution for some. Still, the alliance fomented with Rhaenys bears fruit and The Queen who never was gives her support, facing the entire court and a Viserys at his worst. In a few words, time is running out to resolve this thorny problem that has been going on for years. So, to restore a certain tranquility before the hearing which will seal the fate of the Velaryon succession, Viserys organizes a large banquet, just to enjoy one last time his two families, united as he hoped.

House of the Dragon: the series has just resumed with season 2, here are 4 stages of season 1 to remember!

Except that once he returns to his quarters, too weakened to continue, the situation worsens between the members remaining at the table, particularly between the children of the two families who insult each other. Despite this gap, Rhaenyra and Alicent promise to meet again to resolve the situation once and for all. But once again, the calm is only short-lived: during this night, King Viserys will die and evoke the famous prophecy that he has been repeating to Rhaenyra for years, that of Aegon the Conqueror, to… of Alice. At this moment, the misunderstanding is total since, in his final ramblings, Viserys believes he is speaking to Rhaenyra while Alicent sees the mention that her son must succeed her husband. The next morning, the king has already breathed his last and, on the Green side, people are busy trying to get their hands on the throne even if Alicent judges that certain measures – sending someone to kill Rhaenyra and Daemon at Dragonstone – are too extreme. What is needed is to crown Aegon quickly… except that he is nowhere to be found for a few hours before finally being found in Culpucier. Despite the intervention of Rhaenys and Meleys, her dragoness, Aegon’s coronation cannot be prevented: an event that Rhaenyra and Daemon learn at the same time as Viserys’ death.

House of the Dragon: the series has just resumed with season 2, here are 4 stages of season 1 to remember!

In the space of a few hours, a coin is put back into the machine and reactivates the quarrels between the two families who mutually suspect each other of the worst possible combinations to monopolize the Iron Throne. The anger on the Black side is so great that Rhaenyra will lose the child she had been carrying for eight months, a stillborn daughter who she will barely have time to name Visenya, and from whom she will hold her nephew Aegon. for responsible. In the process, Rhaenyra is also crowned thanks to the intervention of Ser Erryk Cargyll who stole Viserys’ crown before turning his back to the Greens and pledging allegiance to the legitimate queen by leaving King’s Landing and joining her. From there, following the failure of the talks, the two families will go in search of numerous allies who will support their respective causes, it is the beginning of the Dance of the Dragons! To seal this internal war, only one trigger will be enough: the chance meeting between Aemond and Lucerys at the stronghold of Borros Baratheon which will result in the death of Rhaenyra’s second son, torn to pieces by Vhagar, at the end of an aerial confrontation between their two dragons.



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