Walking for 100 kilometers: around Flers, these athletes aim for the golden eagle

Walking for 100 kilometers: around Flers, these athletes aim for the golden eagle
Walking for 100 kilometers: around Flers, these athletes aim for the golden eagle


Romain Michel

Published on

June 21, 2024 at 9:43 a.m.

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Around sixty walkers, aged 43 to 80found themselves in Flers (Orne), Saturday June 8, 2024. Their route of the day? A 25 kilometer loop to be repeated four times, for a total of 100.

“We’re going to walk for 20 hours », Indicates Noël, the president of the Vikings Flériens, the Flérien hiking association.

Roadbook, planned time, refueling… Everything is planned in advance and nothing is left to chance. “The goal is to leave and come back together. »

Objective: the golden eagle

Belgium, the Paris region, Reunion Island… Athletes come from far and wide to complete the challenge. This meeting is part of the process of passing a patent and obtaining of a golden eagle.

100 kilometers is our base distance.

Noël, president of the Vikings Flériens
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Thus, to obtain the precious sesame you must accomplish 1950 kilometers with the following distribution: 10 times 100 kilometers, two times 150 kilometers, two times 125 kilometers, two times 75 kilometers, 3 times 50 kilometers and four times 25 kilometers.

Testimonies from walkers

In the peloton, Didier, 20 golden eagles on the clock, gives us behind the scenes of the effort. “For the discussion, it depends on the moments and the people,” explains the man who has been doing these routes since 1996.

Either we leave in our thoughts, or we speak without restrictions. Things we wouldn’t normally say can come out of our mouths.

Didier, walker

Which is the first constraint ? “It’s muscular,” assures Noël. “We manage sleep. »

In terms of safety, the group leaves equipped with lamps and fluorescent vests for the night. “We are around traffic, so safety is important. There is a road captain and three queue runners. » Next year, the distance will increase: 125 kilometers are on the program.

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