Why the United States is closely monitoring religious freedom in France and around the world

Why the United States is closely monitoring religious freedom in France and around the world
Why the United States is closely monitoring religious freedom in France and around the world

DECRYPTION – Among 199 states studied in its annual report, the American government devotes a long chapter to our country.

For the 25e For the next year, the US State Department has published its “International Religious Freedom Report” covering the year 2023. It was presented on June 26 in Washington by the Secretary of State himself, Antony Blinken.

In 199 countries around the world, American embassies and consulates are thus scrutinizing the state of legislation affecting religious freedom, the practical application of these laws and the « abuse » weakening this freedom. They also seek, they assert with specific examples, to defend situations where individuals would be worried, or even imprisoned, for their beliefs. The United States devotes no less than 100 million dollars annually to this chapter of its policy.

If the 2023 report is concerned about the consequences of the “horrible terrorist attacks of October 7the deadliest day in Israel’s history ” with the observation of a ” sharp increase in anti-Semitism and Islamophobia » in the world, the ambassador…

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