World Refugee Day celebrated in Victoriaville

World Refugee Day celebrated in Victoriaville
World Refugee Day celebrated in Victoriaville

Civic ceremony, artistic performance, march and flag raising highlighted World Refugee Day on Thursday in Victoriaville. Organized by the Bois-Francs International Welcome Committee (CAIBF), the event aimed to raise awareness of the situation of refugees around the world and to promote their integration into their host community.

Between January 2023 and the beginning of June 2024, Victoriaville welcomed 21 families, which represents around a hundred people from six countries: Republic of Congo, Mali, Mauritania, Central African Republic, Burkina Faso and Ivory Coast.

All these families were invited at the end of the day, Thursday, to the Charles-Édouard-Mailhot library for a ceremony where they each received a welcome certificate.

The mayor of Victoriaville, Antoine Tardif and municipal councilor Patrick Paulin, representing the MRC of Arthabaska, attended the ceremony as did Pierre-Luc Turgeon and Marianne Bernier representing MPs Eric Lefebvre and Alain Rayes respectively.

Member of the CAIBF board of directors, Pierre Larivière was the first to take the floor to address the new arrivals. “My love and openness to different cultures led me to accept a seat on the Board of Directors. Since then, I have learned more about the path you had to take and I understand even more all the sacrifices it required of you during your first month to hope to live in peace. This is why it gives me pleasure to extend a warm welcome to you and I sincerely hope that you are happy in our beautiful and welcoming city,” he expressed.

Mayor Antoine Tardif followed by greeting the CAIBF team and congratulating them for their work.

To the newcomers, the chief magistrate informed that the elected officials were very proud and happy to welcome them. “Victoriaville is the city of all opportunities for you. The elected officials and I are working to develop it in a beautiful way so that everyone finds their place, so that everyone can flourish,” he underlined.

Mayor Tardif also invited them to draw inspiration from Patrick Paulin, himself an immigrant who arrived in Victoriaville 25 years ago. “He’s someone you can look up to and even get inspiration from. He was involved in the city to the point of becoming a municipal councilor and he is even one of the most involved, one of the most active in terms of welcoming and integrating our immigrants. Never hesitate to call on his services, he is a very resourceful person,” he said, while inviting people to fully enjoy Victoriaville as a family and with children. “There are activities for everyone. It’s a city that has so much to offer and I’m sure you’ll enjoy it for many years to come. Welcome among us,” he said.

Speaking in turn, Patrick Paulin noted, on this World Refugee Day, “that there have never been so many people in each country forced to leave, to be uprooted and bruised. » “We are going to take a moment in Victoriaville to tell you that we believe in you, in your future, in our future. And together we will build a resilient community, full of potential for all,” he said.

Councilor Paulin also did not fail to highlight the work of the CAIBF, the cornerstone for more than 40 years. “They are the ones who allow us, the politicians, to be able to welcome you properly. I take my hat off to the whole team for your work. »

But, he continued, integration and reception can only rest on the CAIBF, on the City and on the MRC. “It also relies on collaboration between institutions and the entire associative network. I say to you again, welcome home, welcome to our community and think big for your children in peace, security and with all kindness,” he finished.

On behalf of MP Eric Lefebvre, Pierre-Luc Turgeon paid tribute to the courage of the new arrivals. “You really came across a beautiful city. But arriving in a new country, a new culture, these are challenges. I would like to congratulate you for your courage and resilience that you have shown. Don’t give up, you will integrate, it’s a great life project,” he said, while congratulating the CAIBF for its essential work with refugees and immigrants.

A musical artistic performance was also offered before the presentation of the certificates, including a thank you song.

Participants then took part in a march towards city hall where the flag was raised.



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