A 64-year-old man dies in the parking lot of a company in Normandy

A 64-year-old man dies in the parking lot of a company in Normandy
A 64-year-old man dies in the parking lot of a company in Normandy

The body of a 64-year-old man was found in the parking lot of the Quincé company, in Putanges-le-Lac, in Orne, this Wednesday, June 19, 2024, before 9:30 a.m. Emergency services were immediately called , but they could only note his death.

Read also: A man dies after a work accident at the SNV food factory in Normandy

Died before help arrived

According to the first elements of the investigation, this truck driver climbed to the top of the tank of the truck he used to drive, with a six-meter pole, which was found near his body. He was then electrocuted by a high-voltage cable above him, and fell, his head hitting the tongue of a nearby trailer.

Contacted, the company confirmed the discovery of a body and indicated that it did not know the causes of death. The body of the deceased will be autopsied at the Caen Forensic Institute in order to clarify with certainty the circumstances of this death.

The Smur (mobile emergency and resuscitation structure), firefighters and the gendarmerie were on site. This tragedy occurs just five days after the accidental death of a municipal agent from the same town, with a lawn tractor.



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