Raphaël Glucksmann says LFI is “divided and diluted”

Raphaël Glucksmann says LFI is “divided and diluted”
Raphaël Glucksmann says LFI is “divided and diluted”

IHe says he understands “the confusion” of his voters. The co-president of the Place publique party, Raphaël Glucksmann, explains the reasons for his joining the “New Popular Front” (NFP) in an article published in THE Worldin which he minimizes the influence of La France insoumise (LFI).

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The MEP says he understands “the trouble of many voters who voted on June 9 for the social-democratic, environmentalist and pro-European voice” which he believes to have carried during the last European elections, on June 9. However, he assures, “the main threat to the Republic” does not come from “a rebellious France divided and diluted in a broad electoral coalition over which it has no control”, but rather from the “extreme right “.

Raphaël Glucksmann claims to have “fought tirelessly to ensure that the “New Popular Front” was not a Nupes 2”. “It is clear, this time, in the eyes of everyone, including his own, that Jean-Luc Mélenchon will not be Prime Minister,” believes the social democrat. The president of Place publique cites the “unbearable purges”, of LFI candidates who have “crossed the limits of what is acceptable” and confesses that “the left must confront its demons, the fractures which undermine it and the violent people who sully it”. And promises to “confront” them.

“Macronism is dead”

On the other hand, Raphaël Glucksmann makes the autopsy of macronism, “death this June 9, 2024″, when Emmanuel Macron declared the dissolution of the National Assembly after the announcement of the results of the European elections, largely won by the National Rally. A decision that he attributes to the “wounded pride” of the head of state, whom he readily compares to Nero.

“We are chaired by a teenager who enjoys striking matches in a gas station to the loving cheers of three obscure advisors,” he continues in his funeral examination of the presidential majority, which has “neither the strength or legitimacy to stand in the way” of the far right.

Using a formula already used during his last media interventions, Raphaël Glucksmann raises the prospect of “Jordan Bardella Prime Minister, Thierry Mariani Minister of Foreign Affairs, Marion Maréchal for National Education and Éric Ciotti for the Interior”, to mobilize his electorate and “prevent France from sinking into the abyss”.

Looking ahead to the second round, Raphaël Glucksmann calls on the left to be “responsible” and to “vote for each Republican candidate facing the RN”.



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