which operators gained or lost the most subscribers during the 1st quarter

which operators gained or lost the most subscribers during the 1st quarter
which operators gained or lost the most subscribers during the 1st quarter

Mobile recruitment (net sales)

1- Free Mobile: +212,000

2- Bouygues: +27,000

3- Orange: +9,000

4- SFR: -487,000

Orange and SFR are still losing fixed line subscribers

Same trend on landlines. Thanks to the gain of 85,000 new subscribers, Free maintains the lead in terms of recruitment on the boxes, in particular thanks to the “success of the launch of the Freebox Ultra at the end of January”, which according to it has supported its growth. The ISP has thus recruited twice as many subscribers in the segment as during the same period a year ago (+42,000) but it is unable to beat its record for the 4th quarter of 2023 during which it attracted 100,000 new clients. For their part, Orange and SFR respectively lost 43,000 and 77,000 subscribers in the segment, while Bouygues Telecom gained 38,000. The historic operator and the one in the red square are the only ones to have lost subscribers in the segment. in 2023. The leak therefore continues for the moment.

Landline recruitment (net sales)

1- Free: +85,000

2- Bouygues: +38,000

3- Orange: -43,000

4- SFR: -77,000

Orange still ahead on the fiber, Free in its rearview mirror

At a time when fiber is becoming more popular in France through deployments, operators are still fighting over recruitment. During the first 3 months of the year, Orange narrowly retained its leadership with 247,000 new subscribers compared to 232,000 for Free, which is clearly getting closer. Behind, Bouygues Telecom further confirms its rank as an outsider with 134,000 new customers compared to 69,000 for SFR which has not been able to keep up with its rivals for several years now. During the 1st quarter, the Altice subsidiary achieved 3.5 times fewer sales than the leading operator.

New fiber subscribers

1- Orange: + 247,000

2- Free: +232,000

3- Bouygues: +134,000

4- SFR: + 69,000 (FTTH, FTTB and 4G box)



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