“More fear than harm” after a deer burst into a bakery near Toulouse

“More fear than harm” after a deer burst into a bakery near Toulouse
“More fear than harm” after a deer burst into a bakery near Toulouse

the essential
A deer suddenly entered the Bahut bakery in Saint-Alban, north of Haute-Garonne, a few days ago. The appearance of the animal caused astonishment, before sparking laughter and anecdotes.

The scene, surprising to say the least, took place last Friday in the Bahut bakery in Saint-Alban, north of Toulouse. A deer, which came from the town of Aucamville, stopped in front of the store, and finally chose to enter the local bakery around 12:45 p.m.
The surprise was great for the two people who were behind the counter, the manager Dominique Bahut, and the saleswoman Séverine.

“We couldn’t believe our eyes,” confides Dominique Bahut, who took over this local business in the town for more than eleven years. “The beast entered the store and hit the windows. It was visibly in distress. It was looking for ways to leave and grabbed the garlands of decorations that we had put up for the Christmas festivities. In fact it was trying to get out, and hit him so hard with his antlers against the window that the garland fell on him!”

“The police initially thought it was a hoax”

“With Séverine, we didn’t make any noise and communicated with each other using small, very slow gestures,” continues the manager.

“Seeing that she was not aggressive, I locked her up and informed the police who, at first, thought it was a hoax. A few minutes later, they arrived and were able to see the facts. They opened the door, organized traffic, and the animal left, with its decorations. She lay down a few meters away, undoubtedly moved by what had just happened. She was then transported to an animal clinic! put it back on its feet. I was really afraid for my store, whose windows were new. But there was more fear than harm: no one was injured, and we had no damage. .”

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The observation was the same for her husband Patrick Bahut, manager of the company: “A deer can dismantle the store in a few seconds, it’s very lively. We were lucky that nothing happened. L “The animal came back well and we were relieved, especially since we love animals very much.”

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Now, traders and customers are laughing at this very surprising news item. They even say that “Santa Claus sent a reindeer to stock up on croissants”. A beautiful story that will continue to make people smile and be told for a long time…



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