Toulouse. Knotted sheets, fall from 4 floors: what we know about the terrible accident

Toulouse. Knotted sheets, fall from 4 floors: what we know about the terrible accident
Toulouse. Knotted sheets, fall from 4 floors: what we know about the terrible accident


Laurent Derne

Published on

June 17, 2024 at 4:01 p.m.

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A terrible fall. A young man aged 17 years was evacuated to the emergency room in serious condition after falling into the void of a four stories high. As Toulouse News indicated this morning, the facts happened in the Purpan districtSaturday June 15, 2024, shortly before 10 p.m.

Multiple fractures and 45 days of ITT

“He suffers from multiple fractures throughout the body. The doctor gave him 45 days of ITT. In his state, he has not yet been able to be heard about the circumstances of the accident,” sighs a police source.

According to the first elements of the investigation, it seems that the victim and his 16 year old sister were locked in the family apartment, located on the fourth and last floor of a small condominium. Why didn’t they have the keys? The question remains unanswered.

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He improvises a ladder to build the wall

The fact remains that the young man would have liked to free himself from this confinement. He then tied sheets between them, like prisoners trying to escape the prison shackles, in a sort ofimprovised ladder that he left hang from his window. “We still don’t know if the knots came undone or if he let go, but he fell,” says our source.

Alerted by his sister and by shocked neighbors, emergency services rushed to the foot of the small building. THE SAMU arrived first on the scene, followed by the national police. The injured person was treated and evacuated to the emergency room of thePurpan hospital. An investigation has been opened.

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