Legislative elections in Indre-et-Loire: in the 3rd constituency, a fragmented right facing the united left

Legislative elections in Indre-et-Loire: in the 3rd constituency, a fragmented right facing the united left
Legislative elections in Indre-et-Loire: in the 3rd constituency, a fragmented right facing the united left

In the 3rd constituency of Indre-et-Loire, which extends from Saint-Pierre-des-Corps to Lochois via Saint-Avertin, seven candidates are competing during these early legislative elections. A fairly atypical constituency since the National Rally did not wish to nominate a candidate, leaving room for a candidate from the LR-RN alliance in the person of Jules Robin, LR municipal councilor of Anet in Eure-et- Dormouse. A parachute drop? “Non“replies the 30-year-old person,”I grew up in Yzeures-sur-Creuse, I am very attached to Touraine and I am today very worried and disappointed to see the decline of France in general but also in our countryside.“Jules Robin also intends to focus his campaign on immigration,”perhaps we see it less in the villages but the people who live there have children, grandchildren who go to study in the big cities, where the immigration centers are concentrated. They are confronted with the same subjects as everywhere in France.”

From left to right: Jules Robin (LR-RN), Amin Brimou (SE), Xavier Bourin (Reconquête!) and Christophe Legendre (LO)

To see if he will manage to compete with outgoing MP Henri Alfandari, a member of Horizons and candidate under the Ensemble label (presidential coalition). “The RN keeps talking about anchoring and territory and it sends a Parisian collaborator – essentially with a technocratic dimension – to defend a rural territory or one with urban policy issues like in Saint-Pierre-des-Corps” tackles the outgoing MP“you have to be serious.”

A fragmented center-right since two candidates without a label are presenting themselves and not just any candidates since they are the mayor of Saint-Pierre-des-Corps Emmanuel François, supported by senator LR Jean-Gérard Paumier, and his deputy Amin Brimou. The latter says “defend strong public policies in favor of social justice, equal opportunities, equity“. Asked about this rather comical situation, Emmanuel François did not hide his astonishment: “yes, it’s surprising! But I am a staunch Democrat. I think we have exactly the same ideas. Amin has always had deep respect for me, but I believe he wants to show that he exists and this desire is expressed through his candidacy“Basically, the elected Corpopétrussian refuses to “not presenting an alternative to the extremes and government action“, “I think it’s possible and it’s really what I want to wear.” Finally, the Reconquête party is represented by its departmental delegate Xavier Bourin, who wishes to defend “French life” and security*, “that is to say the freedom to be able to go out freely without risking being stabbed.”*

Could this division of the right in the broad sense benefit the New Popular Front? This is the wish of the rebellious Sandra Barbier, a schoolteacher, invested by the New Popular Front: “oYes, we can benefit from the fact that we have a united front.” “And then we must also not forget that the NFP program is very ambitious” adds the one which promises local referendums on wind projects, a sensitive subject in South-Touraine, “it is supported by great economists like Thomas Picketty, and then by a Nobel Prize winner in economics, Esther Duflot, sorry. It has been completely quantified, and it will allow a radical change for the lives of the French, in particular on purchasing power which is really the central subject.” In 2022, Nupes had reached the second round. Finally the far left will be represented by Christophe Legendre for Lutte Ouvrière.



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