US Saint-Pierre is in full reconstruction

US Saint-Pierre is in full reconstruction
US Saint-Pierre is in full reconstruction

Under the aegis of its two co-presidents, Olivier Blain and Jean Pierre Chipot, US Saint-Pierre is beginning its transformation and reconstruction. After ensuring its maintenance in Regional 2, by finishing in the middle of the ranking, the club saved the essentials.

“We must make structural changes which will allow us to work on solid foundations and continue the development of our rugby school, while 52% of the players playing as seniors come directly from the Corpopétrussian training”, specify the two presidents in unison.

“The USSP must have and has a social vocation”

The club called on the DLA (local support system), which – following an audit – identified the malfunctions and proposed solutions, supporting the club in its decisions.

“The USSP must have and has a social vocation and we want to give ourselves the means to offer alternatives to our members. To do this, the French Rugby Federation awarded us a committed club label, which allows us to have access to a certain number of companies, which are also committed. This allowed us, among other things, to organize job dating days, which were a real success.”

The club also organized and hosted “city rugby” operations, in order to introduce the practice of rugby to as many people as possible.

Maintenance objective

Sportingly, the senior squad is large enough to supply a reserve team, which should therefore be created for the coming season. “ We wish to develop the practice of the XV, the X and also the VII, in order to satisfy the desires of all, specify Olivier Blain and Jean-Pierre Chipot. Our objective for the next season will be to remain in Regional 2 and to participate in the final phases. We also want to facilitate the return of former club players to engage them in different missions. We are looking for a manager for the rugby school and educators. » The staff, whose maintenance will therefore be the primary objective, will be made up of Morgane Morice, Adrien Bunle and Quentin Mery.

So things are moving at the USSP and after some lean times, the club is getting back on good footing and reviving the blood and gold colors of the Corpopétrussian institution.



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